I’ve been an early adopter on many toys and gadgets. I’ve written about iPhone on this blog when the iPhone was just a rumor. I bought Thesis in its early days. And I also downloaded, tried and promoted Scribe SEO when almost nobody knew what it was all about it.
But what I am going to do today will be quite different. Because it’s not technically about being an early adopter, although it may certainly look as it is. Fact is I am a third of WPSumo, the newest and brightest wordpress framework in town. Yes, a wordpress framework. But not a regular one. WPSumo is something that will really, really rock your socks.
The Reasons
Everything in this Universe has a reason. Newton apple felt down because there is this thing called gravity. On a much simpler level, we usually get or do or attract things because we need them. So. WPSumo was born out of my need for something better than what I had so far.
No pun intended to what I used so far, and I mean Thesis. But there is a time when something better comes into our lives and we just have to go with it. I’m not alone in the WPSumo team. There are two other wordpress wizards who not only made this possible, but also made it possible in an incredibly short amount of time. We spent only 100 days on development. For what we were able to come up with, 100 days is like a minute. We packed an amazing amount of features straight from the day one of availability. Yes, we do have a roadmap and we plan to add even more features. But we just thought it wouldn’t be right to launch it without each and every thing we can think of. Let’s get down to it. I left the paragraphs intentionally short because there will be much more info at the main WPSumo website. But it’s also nice to have an overview of what features we think are crucial for this product.
Reason 1: Mobility
WPSumo comes with an integrated state-of-the-art mobile theme. It’s like a child theme, only for mobile devices. It’s for free, you know, and integrated with the main framework. And you can customize the hell out of it. Read more…
Reason 2: SEO
I know how important SEO is. As a matter of fact, a third of my blog traffic is coming from search engines. I know, it’s not as it should be. That’s exactly why I’m using WPSumo advanced SEO settings. Title, description, metatags, robots, all from within a handy setting tab. Read more…
Reason 3: Child Themes
Although DragosRoua.com is my main blogging outlet, I do have another blogs. And I want a single solution to manage all of them. This is why we packed child themes into WPSumo from the day one. Read more..
Reason 4: Developer
I do write some PHP code every once in a while. So I wanted to have an open structure, a structure upon one can build his own features, if need will be. WPSumo features a very interesting back end structure which can have both hooks and extensions attached. Read more…
Reason 5: Export. Import
I like to tweak my theme on the local machine, most of the time. Then, I do the same things (more or less) on the live machine. You know the drill. Well, not anymore. WPSumo settings can be exported and imported into any WPSumo instance. Read more…
Reason 6: Style Editor
Although I know a bit of CSS, I’m not a big fan of hand styling my theme. On the contrary, I’d rather spend that time writing or coding interesting stuff. This is why we created a very powerful visual style editor. Pretty much everything can be styled form within this. Read more…
Reason 7: Shortcodes
Think of shortcodes like the brick and mortar for a site. Buttons, tabbars, titles, you name it. We have packed a lot of shortcodes into the default WPSumo installation. Making a button or a tabbar is just a matter of point and click. Neato. Read more…
Reason 8: Social Media
I get around 70% of my blog traffic from social media. That’s a lot. And I really want to take care of this visitors stream. So we paid extra attention to the social media integration. That means every button, from Twitter to Facebook and even Facebook Comments (enabled by default on this post). Read more..
Reason 9: Layouts And Sidebars
That’s where it gets interesting. Some of my posts have a life of their own, so to speak (and I’m sure many bloggers experienced this). So I wanted a way to create a more customized experience for them. Like having a different sidebar for each popular post. And to do this visually. You got it. Read more…
Reason 10: Ads
I admit, this was not one of my requests, but rather a general need in the market. After all, we did this framework for other people, not for us. And these people need a very flexible and customizable solution to manage their ads. That’s exactly what we did. Read more…
Reason 11: Portfolio And Featured Area
Another thing that isn’t really my thing, but it’s huge for other people. We created a featured area (an extremely diverse and complex featured area) and a very powerful portfolio feature. So, if you create something visually and want to promote it with wordpress, you’re in it. Read more..
Reason 12: Blog Audit
When we decided to create WPSumo, I realized that my plugin, Blog Audit, just needed to be in it. If you don’t know what Blog Audit is, very briefly, it’s a piece of functionality which is unique (as far as I can tell) that lets you measure your blogging effectiveness (how often do you write, how many comments you generate, etc). Read more…
Reason 13: Affiliate Program
Yes, I lied, there are 13 reasons. This one is for you. We decided to create an affiliate program for WPSumo. Basically, you get 30% off of any sale you made. And that’s on top of riding the wave of the latest and brightest framework in town, you know. You get that for free, because you’re smart. And cool. Seriously now, here’s where you can sign up.
Well, that’s it. If you’re serious about blogging, you should get that baby. 🙂
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