Don’t Be Afraid Of Success

In september 2006, John Chow, a what he calls “internet media mogul”, started his blog. Now (January 18th, five months later) he is in Technorati top 1000. John is an entrepreneur, a knowledge worker, founder of The TechZone and TTZ Media Network. In his announcement he also tells something about breaking up to Technorati top 100. He’s in need for more links, so here we are, John! Good luck with your goals!

But behind this real story there’s much more: you don’t have to be afraid of your succes. Whenever you set accurate goals and you do whatever it takes to go there, you succeed.

GTD For People Living In Transition Countries

Like mine, Romania. It’s an European country that recently made his entry into European Union, proving a strong desire to let go the communist past. It’s a marvelous country, one of the most beautiful I know. The only problem is that we do have a somehow faible economy, although growing extremely fast, and a lot of cultural burden, related to the years of totalitarian regime and economical difficulties. You can add to that the fear that political police, the Securitate, induced in our behaviour for most than a half a century.

Quicksilver – Ignite Your Mac!

For all of you that lived in a hell of broken Windows, or on a cluttered path of Linux Forrest, and recently evolved into the Mac World, here’s some news. There is a way to make your Mac fly! Really. Not only you actually can work in a Mac, as you already found out, but you can actually ignite your OS! Meaning working more with less effort. Meaning maintining a higher focus degree wile remaining stress free.

Now, come down, I know, I am enthousiastic, but as I wrote in another post, enthousiasm is one of the best energies that you can leverage from yourself. So let’s leverage some and start talking about Quicksilver.

Automating Photo Booth and iPhoto

You know all those strange albums on Flickr or those psychedelic movies on YouTube when a guy took pictures of himself for a year, each day? Or for two or three? Each day, another picture of himself? Well, although in the beginning the idea seemed a little creepy to me, I soon started to see, well, some benefits… Needles to say that, in a more adventurous state then ever, and with little forseen reward, I started my own “A Photo Every Day” project. Just for fun, if you want. Or just to see how often I need to shave. Or just to test my iSight’s capabilities. If that little ting could do a photo every day it worth every penny, right?