Minimalistic GTD workflow: Getting Things Done with Do It!

Although a little too simple for my taste, Do It (formerly known as “To Do”) is one of the “oldies but goldies” around the Mac software community. Yes, I know, I am being mean, after all, “Do It” is only one or two years old – the author blog haven’t been updated since last year, … Read more

Blogging with an iPhone…

…Is not at all a very difficult task. To be honest, it’s quite enjoyable, as long as you’re not on EDGE. From my experience, is very important to have a very good internet connection, otherwise the touchscreen keyboard will give you some very strange delays. But that keyboard also is the main reason for blogging … Read more

GTD Contexts: How To Identify Them

One of the key factors for a good GTD implementation is the context management. There are many key factors, I agree, but context management is one of them. As you may already know, one of the basic concepts of GTD is to spread your actions over all the contexts you are acting in. You are … Read more

Keep your soul in good shape: managing your psychological calories

You know the story of the 3 mice groups? I guess not. It’s a very interesting one and I thought it would be a very good start point for this post… So, without further ado: a group of researches in psychological behavior took 3 identical groups of mice, and put them in 3 separate cages, … Read more

Managing online projects in 5 easy steps

I’ve been recently invited by a student organization in Bucharest to give a presentation about online project management, starting from idea to the final result. I gave the presentation today and because handling such a delicate subject is not a sequential operation, I didn’t use a PowerPoint template. Instead, I’ve made a mind map, in … Read more

TaskPaper – a lightweight task manager for Mac reviewed

When it comes to lightweight task managers, on Mac, especially, you think immediately at TaskPaper, an application provided by Hogbaysoftware. TaskPaper has a long history of reviews and good reactions. I discovered the application several months ago, when it was included in a bundle at MacHeist , and that should point from the beginning that TaskPaper … Read more

Money and you

Money is one of the most common topics in western culture. Almost any newspaper, book, movie or other form of collective information media is talking about it, in one form or another. Without any doubt, money has become an obsession of the western culture, one of the most materialistic culture in whole history. Money seems … Read more