People Placeholders

When we think about someone, we don’t really think about that person, we interact with a representation of her. There is a collection of traits in our mind that we assign to that person, including shapes, sounds, colors, actions, and we assign that shortcut, that mental placeholder, to that specific identity, and we say to … Read more

Oversimplifying Versus Analysis Paralysis

Entropy is a wonderful concept. It measures the degree of disorder or randomness in a system. If you really think about it, being able to measure how messy something is it’s actually mesmerizing. Because if we know how fucked up things are, we can also have a rough idea about the effort required to get … Read more

Opportunity Management

The mainstream approach towards opportunity is that it’s a very rare event, and it should be prioritized when it happens, maximizing any potential outcomes. While I wholeheartedly agree with “maximizing any potential outcomes” I do think there are a few thoughts worth pondering on the first part of the definition. What Is Opportunity? Very briefly … Read more