30 Days Exercising Challenge – Day 2

The second day of my 30 days exercising challenge started a little bit odd. For some reason, I wasn’t able to do my morning workout, so I had to postpone it for the afternoon. I started around 17:00.

After an initial 2 minutes stretching I had 1 rep of 15 pushups. 2 minutes pause and then my first rep of 30 abs. After another 2 minutes pause I had one more rep of 15 pushups. The first part was finished with 16 minutes on the stepper. I decided to gradually increase the time on the stepper with 1 minute per day until I will reach 30 minutes. That way I will do at least 2 x 30 minutes = 60 minutes on the stepper each day. It just seem doable at the moment.

The second part of the workout was made of 1 rep of 30 abs and another rep of 15 pushups. After that, I started the second 16 minutes stepper session.

Heart rate went to 146-149 and stayed there for the first rep on the stepper. On the second, I had around 5 minutes in which the heart rate went over 150, up to 156, but never higher. The last 5 minutes the heart rate was 146 steady.

Weight: 93.5 kilos.

Total exercising time, including breaks: 50 minutes.

Total exercises:

  • 45 pushups
  • 60 abs
  • 32 minutes on the stepper

I felt good although it was really hot and lost a lot of water. I hidrated myself in the beginning, during and after the workout. It seems that my body is starting to adjust, although is really early to tell that. I found it pretty difficult to fall asleep in the evening, it was like my body was still alert, but didn’t have any difficulty whatsoever in getting up at 6 AM. More on that on the blog post about the 3rd day.

I started to read some material on the topic (specifically, the book presented in this comment) and also started to look around for a body fat checker device, but I’m not in a rush.

If you’re following this challenge and starting some exercise for yourself, feel free to post a comment here.

2 thoughts on “30 Days Exercising Challenge – Day 2”

  1. OK, I am in ~ but with a catch I don’t need to lose weight but would like to gain muscle.Since muscle weighs more then fat I am focusing on problem areas. Improvement so yoga exercise is better for me the breathing and stretching enhances toning and firming. Running has been a ritual for me for 16 years but I have commented to 3 days a week.
    My BMI is low on the normal scale for me. I would like to gain five pounds of muscle. I tend to increase carbs and protein.
    I don’t have a scale but I run around 57 K usually. I use a measuring tape. Am not going to type my measurements but will tell you in 30 days if the areas have increased I am working on ~ Deal ???
    .-= BunnygotBlog´s last blog ..Working From Home: Coffee – Tea – Or Me =-.


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