Black Friday 2013. Or is it Cyber Monday?

Let’s keep it short and sweet: you get a huge deal, for a limited amount of time, to all of the books available on this website. Period.

Instead of paying $73.91 for all of the books combined, you pay only $11.99 for a bundle containing all of them. Why? Because it’s Black Friday, of course. Or, to be even more honest, because some of you wanted this promotion to last a bit more. So, here you are and here’s the list:

  • 100 Ways To Live A Better Life – usually $4.99

  • 100 Ways To Screw Up Your Life usually $4.99

  • 30 Sentences For A Millionaire Mindset usually $9.99

  • The 7 Ages of An Online Business usually $6.99

  • The Productivity Trap usually $6.99

  • Natural Productivity: Assess – Decide – Do usually $9.99

  • Brilliantly Better usually $16.99

  • How To Self-Publish On Amazon, Kindle and iBookStore usually $3.99

  • Being A Digital Nomad usually $8.99

Get them all for only $11.99. Deal expires Sunday evening.

And, on top of that, you will find in the bundle a promo code for my Goal Setting 101 course on Udemy (usually $69, with more than 100 students so far), which will give you a hefty $49 discount. Just get the main bundle and look for a small PDF file called “black-friday-udemy-discount.pdf”. That’s it. Get all this stuff for only $11.99 and then get another $49 discount on my Udemy course.

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