Causes, Effects and Circumstances

If you jump off of a building, you will crash – and, most likely, die. The crashing is the effect, but the underlying cause is not your jump, as you may initially think, but gravity. You are in a context, in a circumstance that will make your crashing unavoidable – IF you don’t prevent it in any way you can.

The Unavoidable

We live in a reality which is based on cause and effect. Some spiritual schools call this relationship “karma”. But I find it more comfortable to talk about it in terms of cause and effect, people seem less likely to be stranded by exotica and they usually relate better with these familiar terms.

The basic principle of this reality is that everything we perceive and experience is the result of a cause. There is nothing happening without a cause. And this is going on continuously, relentlessly, over and over again. Everything around you, everything inside you, all is just a continuous chain of causes and effects.

There is a certain threshold, after which, if enough causes are colluding, we may experience a more consistent type of effect. One that is, let’s say, encompassing, grouping, aggregating other micro-effects inside of it.

These big, encompassing effects are in fact circumstances. For instance, if you’re being born and living on Earth, gravity is inescapable. Gravity is a circumstance that encompasses many micro-effects inside of it. On one side, it limits the amount of choices you may have, in the sense that you cannot float and fly – if you would want to fly, that is. At the same, time, gravity makes some other effects unavoidable. Like crashing if you jump off of a building.

Building Favorable Circumstances, One Cause At A Time

Why the long and philosophical introduction? Well, because I find this feature of circumstances very interesting: some of their contained micro-effects are unavoidable. Are built-in, so to speak. Once you’re in that circumstance, those micro-effects are bound to happen, no matter what.

Read that again: no matter what.

I find this very interesting, like I told you. If we can put ourselves in a place where something is bound to happen no matter what, then all that’s left to figure out is what exactly we want to happen no matter what.

Let’s say we want to experience the micro-effect of a harmonious relationship. What circumstance will make that micro-effect unavoidable? What circumstance will have a gravity-like effect, enforcing harmony in our relationship no matter what?

And from here on it’s only a question of defining the causes and working on creating those causes. I know, I know, it’s easier (way easier, in fact) said, than done.

And yet, it’s well worth it. I’m going to repeat this: it will happen no matter what.

An Exercise On Creating Circumstances For Financial Equilibrium

Let’s have a short exercise on a different micro-effect, though: financial equilibrium. I don’t like the term “financial abundance”, because abundance defines something in excess, and whatever is in excess will face some counter forces to balance it back – it always happens, sooner or later. Instead, I like to think in terms in financial equilibrium, which basically means that whatever financial needs (and wants) I have, they will be covered by my financial holdings. And they will be covered, remember, no matter what.

So, how would that circumstance look like? It will have to contain, obviously, something as powerful and ubiquitous like gravity. In fact, let’s start defining that circumstance in terms of “financial gravity”. Our circumstance will feature an internal force that will attract financial resources constantly, just like gravity pulls mass constantly.

One of the first causes that I can think of is to learn and enforce some in-demand skills. If I am able to apply those skills constantly, and if they’re always in demand, ta-daa, we have some gravity. We don’t need to do more than that. We have the skills and there is demand for them.

Another cause that could help creating a financial equilibrium circumstance is investment. Like participating with some of my current financial holdings in value creating activities, that will generate some returns in the future. The mechanisms of investment will work out by providing more financial resources in the future. That’s another form of gravity, because it will also happen no matter what.

Another supporting cause is to limit unnecessary spending. If I limit my spending, then the necessary amount to reach my financial equilibrium (if I’m not in that state already, that is) will be smaller. So there will be less effort towards generating financial resources. That creates another type of gravity, by making it easier for financial resources to join me. It will eliminate friction.

If I can do this consistently, if I can plant those causes in a predictable and effective way, at some point, I will create a circumstance that will bring financial equilibrium no matter what. I simply wouldn’t be able to stop it, just like I can’t argue with gravity.

So, in the end, it’s just a question of consistency. Yes, we may have good days, with a good amount of generated causes, but we may also have bad days – when the effect of previously toxic causes may prevent us to work the way we want. But that’s just the way it is.

Keep walking.

Keep walking until it would simply be impossible not to get what you want.

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