Crowdfunding My Next Book Through Indiegogo – The Experiment

My next book, “Being A Digital Nomad” will be crowdfuned using Indiegogo. Now, I’ve said it.

What’s Indiegogo, you asked? Hello there, alien! Because, you know, if you didn’t hear about Indoegogo so far, it means you’re from Mars or something. Indiegogo is the largest crowdfunding platform available now. If you’re more into the tech stuff, you may have heard about Kickstarter, which is maybe the most popular crwodfunding service, but it’s geared mainly towards tech projects. Meaning you can start to raise money for tech related projects. Well, on Indiegogo you can raise money for pretty much everything. For making a movie, for instance. Or, as it is the case for me, for writing a book.

The “Why”

First of all, I did this out of curiosity. I’m known for being a pathologically curious person and everything that’s new or have the potential to be excited acts like a lighthouse for a stranded vessel for me. I just feel I have to do it. I’m incredibly curious how this crowdfunding thing works. So, that’s the first reason.

Second, it’s about accountability. I started the project for the book a few months ago. At some point, life got in the way. I hate the sound of this, by the way. Because I’m not this kind of guy. When I put my mind to something, I usually pierce through rock solid stones to get it done. But that’s the truth. Life really got in the way and my book project remained suspended in the no man’s land. So, I needed a push. What better push than having a few people paying for your book in advance? At the moment of writing this, just a few hours after I published the campaign, I already have 2 bakers (2 people donated money) so I have at least 2 readers for my book. That’s not bad. Not bad at all.

So, these are pretty much the “why”‘s for this project.

The “What”

So, what’s actually happening? Well, if you want to be part of the book, you have a few options. In the Indiegogo lingo, they’re called “perks”. In other words, you’re not only donating money for a good cause, but you’re also getting something back. Here are my perks for this project:

  • $5 – that will give you a digital copy of the finished book, (PDF or eBook, whatever works for you).
  • $15 – that will give you a printed copy of the book, shipped and delivered to you house.
  • $50 – that will give you 3 printed copies of the book, shipped and delivered to your house.
  • $1000 – that will put your name on the back cover of the book for as long as the book will be available, as a power supporter.

So, as you see, it’s not rocket science.

The “How”

You can donate via PayPal, using Indiegogo tools. Just go there and click the red button called “Contribute Now” and you’re set. Of course, you can donate whatever amount you want, the fixed perks are just if you want something back.

But if you don’t want to donate, you can still support this project by sharing the campaign using the social tools provided by Indiegogo. Maybe you’re not into digital nomading, but maybe somebody in your circle is. Who knows?

So, that’s it. I have 45 days to see how this is going. I’m gonna publish quite a few updates about this project, so be sure to stick around for a while. Should be fun 🙂


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