Managing online projects in 5 easy steps

I’ve been recently invited by a student organization in Bucharest to give a presentation about online project management, starting from idea to the final result. I gave the presentation today and because handling such a delicate subject is not a sequential operation, I didn’t use a PowerPoint template. Instead, I’ve made a mind map, in which I tried to explain what I know from my 10 years experience in the online field.

Basically, I guess every project must answer to only 5 simple questions:

  1. what is it?
  2. for who is it?
  3. how does it look?
  4. what does it?
  5. how can I do it?

If you can consistently and positively answer to all those 5 questions you have 99% chance to actually implement your idea. This does not guarantee, however, a market success, it only gives you an indication about the “doability” of you idea.

You have below a screenshot of the final mind map (click to enlarge).

If you want to take a look at the original mind map, feel free to download it by clicking the following link: [download#7#size] . Hopefully the mind map it would be self explanatory, if not, please ask any questions you might have. And also, use it and send me your feed-back: it is actually useful? It needs something more? Something less?

If by any chance you are also interested in other mind maps I’ve done, check back my list of most downloaded mind maps. If you are not familiar with mind mapping, or you don’t have the necessary software to view the downloaded mind map, you can grab for yourself a free viewer for the excellent MindManager software I use all the time here.

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