Mariner Promo Code – June Edition

Today is Children’s Day and that means we’re officially out of winter. I don’t know if that’s the case for you too, if you live down under, for instance, but here, on the other half of the world, I’m happy to be over the winter. It was a really bad one and it was also a pretty long one, for my own standards, at least. Anyway, as you may already know, every beginning of the months brings in a new promo code for Mac software from Mariner. Without further ado, the mariner promo code for June is:


If you don’t know what a Mariner Promo Code is (which means you’re reading this for the first time, in which case let me tell you a warm “welcome” 🙂 ), well, if you don’t know what it is, let me explain: it’s part of a huge promotion I run for more than a year together with Mariner Software, a respected software producer for Mac. This promo code, which is exclusive to readers, will give an instant 20% discount to any Mariner products, including, but not limited to, MacJournal, MacGourmet DeLuxe, Paperless or other goodies like StoryMill, Calc or Write.

All you have to do is to go Mariner eStore and add this promo code in the designated field. You’ll see all the prices updated with the discount. And just in case you missed the promo code for the first time, here it is again:


Happy shopping (and happy Labor Day too) 🙂

5 thoughts on “Mariner Promo Code – June Edition”

  1. Great deal I just bought the masterwriter songwriting software – already a good deal at $149 I applied the code (at the top of the page and got it for $111. Thanks I used your site to get Mac Journal last year – Thanks for passing on the discount and glad that you get credit too.


  2. Showing support for either the “squeaky wheel syndrome” or the “patience is a virtue” saw, the universe handed me a response from “Mariner Mary” almost as soon as I posted the previous entry.
    My problem occurred because I didn’t see the “Have promo code? Enter it here” box right at the top of the products page. How novel. Putting it right there in front of me…
    Instead I was bent on finding my product, and immediately scrolled down to MacJournal. And as I worked my way through the buying process, an “add discount code” box appeared on paypal’s checkout page, which did, well, zip and nada.
    So Mariner is great, I’m still a lumbering ox who can type, and your blog is still the bomb. Thanks. Now it’s off to MacJournal. (I already own and have used both Devonthink Pro and Notebook. Neither is perfect for what I want, and MacJournal looks promising.)

  3. Kind sir: thought you’d be interested to know that when attempting to buy a donwload version of macjournal ($39.95 or thereabouts), typing the word “dinghy” into the discount code (I used paypal, fyi) nets me exactly nothing. Nada.
    Further, and the reason I saw fit to post to you, writing to the company to report the issue nets the same exact response. Zero. Zip. Zilch.

    As you seem to be someone who cares about these hitches, I thought you’d like to know. Thanks for all your good work. I enjoy your blog immensely.

  4. Appreciate the Value added Dragos. I will check it out!

    .-= Parker Lee |´s last blog ..Greetings–from Amsterdam! =-.


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