I was a soldier in the Romanian army. For 6 months, I woke up at 5 AM each morning (except during the 6 nights of Romanian Revolution, when I didn’t sleep at all), I exercised and learned stuff that, fortunately, I didn’t have to apply later on. Except for one thing, that proved to be extremely useful: how to create, deploy and maintain a minimum survival kit.
Romanian army wasn’t what you usually call a summer camp. On the contrary. It was a tough place to be in. From the physical environment to the relationships ecosystem, everything was rough. When it was cold, it was really cold, we had to sleep with clothes on and didn’t have any other way to get warm. When an officer asked something from you, there wasn’t any other choice than to obey. And most of the time the officers were asking really humiliating things, like crawling in front of them in the mud for 15 minutes, for no reason at all, other than they being higher ranked than you in the army. It was a clearly enforced power game. Also, when we’re doing fight exercises, sometimes we had to run continuously for 10 kilometers – or more – with all the fight equipment on us. No wonder that, in only a few weeks, a quarter of my group become regular clients of the infirmary.
It was a rough place, but it also had some interesting ups. I was enrolled in what they call a “research and diversion” group. Our role, as a military unit, was to do research in the enemy field, gather information and create diversions. Exciting, if you look at it form the outside, frightening if you have to do it. Part of our regular exercise was to penetrate other units territory. The soldiers guarding those units had no idea that we were soldiers too, doing an exercise. They had all the reasons to believe we’re the enemy, and they could open fire at any time. Not ideal…
The Survival Exercise
Part of our training was about learning survival tactics and techniques. I don’t know why I was attracted to that, but fact is I really enjoyed learning all the things they were teaching us about surviving. I remember I was always the first to respond when we had surviving classes.
One day the captain came to our dorm and said: “Time to pack your stuff, we’re going out on a survival exercise”. I remember that 2 of our team members became pale and started to talk something about infirmary. They were the guys who were most of the time ill and did whatever they can to avoid getting involved in anything remotely dangerous. The captain looked at them and said they can stay if they want.
The rest of the group took the standard fight equipment (no real ammunition was allowed though) and went down. I remember I put a small bag of almonds and a bottle of Pepsi in my sac. I always did that when I knew we’re going out on some exercise thing. By the way, at that time, 20 years ago, under the communist regime of Ceausescu, Pepsi was considered almost a medicinal drink and it was barely available on the stores.
Down, a big truck was waiting, engine started and humming. Almost without talking, we got up, squeezed together and the truck started to move. It didn’t went on the regular road, to the city, but took it over the fields. Just straight over the fields in the back of the campus, bumping us up and down while we’re numbly trying to get a grip of where we were.
At some point, after we crossed a few forests and hills, and after we didn’t see any house for at least 20 minutes, the truck stopped. “Down, down, down, on the double”, the captain said. He didn’t smile. Usually, he was smiling, but not this time. In less than a minute we were down, near the truck. I confess that I started to feel a little bit strange at that time. What was going to happen, after all?
“Split in teams of two”, said the captain. “You can only use your knife and whatever you can find around yourself. Walk in different directions for 10 minutes, then stop. From that point, you have 48 hours. In 48 hours we’re going to meet in the unit yard. If you can make it earlier, good for you. You’re on your own now.”
After that he jumped in the truck. In less than 30 seconds we were alone in the middle of nowhere, looking at the truck becoming smaller and smaller between the hills and after the forests.
We started to walk in different directions for 10 minutes, in teams of two. Now I was really feeling strange. Suddenly I realized I didn’t have any food, except for the small bag of almonds and the bottle of Pepsi. Nor did I have anything else except my fight equipment. Out of which I could only use my knife.
In a split of a second I realized also that I was on a real survival situation. Nobody would come to help us. We were really alone there…
The first thing I did was to see what else do I have. We were in teams of two and my team mate was a guy famous in our group for sleeping all the time. He was always relaxed and ready to get a nap. Not much of an initiative guy, but a very soothing presence, after all. Well, at least he’s not hysterical, I said to myself.
We were still on a decently populated area. We didn’t see any houses but there were gardens and man made paths. It wasn’t complete wilderness so in a few minutes I realized that the survival in itself wasn’t such a big deal. I think I was more overwhelmed by the “unexpected” part of it. Nothing predicted this situation in any way, yet I was still in the middle of nowhere, with a colleague who was always sleeping, trying to find our way back to the unit.
Little by little, we started to organize things. We established a zero point, marked by scratching small signs under knee level on trees (signs under the knee level aren’t usually visible in the forests, so we minimize the chances that a potential enemy would track us). We did a few short reconnaissance incursions in the field, some together, some separately. We put two traps for birds, made by rope, some breadcrumbs (my colleague used to always carry dried bread in his pockets) and rocks. We didn’t catch any bird, but we soon found something edible in a vegetable garden and also got a pretty clear idea of where we were.
It was getting dark fast – it was autumn, the sun was setting early – so we returned to our zero point and had a little bit of a dinner. Some vegetables, a part of the almonds I was diligently packed and some Pepsi. Boy, that Pepsi was good!
My team mate was getting pretty sleepy and it was already dark. As we sat near the tree trying to figure out what we should do, I saw a difference in the light. Didn’t knew at first from where it was, but I soon realized it was a moving light. Somewhere between the hills a car with the lights on was moving.
I instantly decided that I wouldn’t wait 48 hours. “Let’s go, you will sleep later, I promise”, I said to my team mate and started to move towards that light. In a few minutes I discovered a country road and started to walk it, hoping this is the road that the car was on too. Luckily, it was, as we found out 15 minutes later. Surprisingly, the car was a military truck and I recognized one of the drivers.
“What are you doing here”, I asked after I stopped it. “Patrolling, trying to pick up guys from the survival exercise”. the driver answered. “Well, you found us, we’re from the survival exercise”, I smiled. “Then jump in”, he smiled back.
In fifteen minutes we were back in the campus. In the yard there was a big fire. Half of our colleagues were there too. On the fire, something was cooking. I learned that some of our team mates found some houses and “borrowed” some chickens and even some ducks. Some of them also borrowed potatoes and carrots. From what I saw, what was cooking on the fire was far more than we usually had for dinner. And it looked way tastier too.
I sat down near the fire, with my colleague who was already snoring on the side. The whole exercise took no longer than 6 hours. While I was getting ready to get my meal, sipping from my bottle of Pepsi, I saw the 2 guys who decided they aren’t joining us in the exercise. It may have been because of the fire, but they looked even paler than their usual white, pale color.
A Survival Situation
Every time I get caught in a really nasty thing, I think at that survival exercise. I remember all the phases of the exercise, all the tools I used (pictured as a minimum survival kit), all the outcomes. And every time I apply the things I learned during that exercise, I usually get over it.
Now, you may wonder what’s a survival situation, after all? How can you differentiate a survival situation from just some tough times? It’s an important distinction, because you will use different tools and attitudes. If you’re just getting through some tough times, a general positive attitude and some reasonable adjustments will get you through.
A survival situation is different in that all your regular resources will disappear, you’re in a completely unknown territory and your life may be in danger. Now, it may be about your physical life, as in a war, or it may be just your life as you knew it.
For instance, every major breakup or a significant career change may be seen as a survival situation. Every major shift in your existence is in fact a survival situation, because it challenges the way you actually live your life.
Minimum Survival Kit
From that first survival exercise in the army I’ve been through many survival situations. Some of them involved thorough financial crisis, others involved personal relationships breakups and others were related to my career choices. Being an entrepreneur is one of those careers in which you get loads of survival situations, and I’m not the only one telling you that.
But, somehow, I managed to get out of them. The fact that you’re reading this right now might be the most important proof, by the way :-). After getting out (and in, for what matters) those difficult times, I started to see some patterns. Some attitudes proved to work better than others and some techniques helped me overcome the obstacles easier.
Hence, the idea of a minimum survival kit. It’s not a first aid kit, in that it doesn’t tell you what to do immediately after you get hit. I may write another post on that, but for now, let’s just talk about these 5 things you may need to do in order to get out safely from a life survival situation.
1. Be Prepared
That doesn’t mean you should stop living your normal life and always act like the end of the world is near. But acknowledge the fact that life is unexpected and that you may be exposed to situations you’re not really prepared for. In my survival exercise I took that bag of almonds and that bottle of Pepsi. It was a prevention measure. And it proved to be a very good one.
I’m not saying only to put aside white money for black days, but also stay alert. Live in such a way that you will always have supplementary resources to resort to, if need will be. In business, even when I was successful, I always had smaller projects going on, just in case. They were just simmering slowly and sometimes those projects saved me from some pretty tough cash-flow situations.
This is a very important part of the minimum survival kit. Because if you’re really prepared to face anything, something very powerful will happen: you’ll get stronger. Instead of being drained and depleted, the exposure to those sudden changes will increase your strength. My 2 colleagues who declined the survival exercise were even more pale around the fire in the campus yard. They avoided the challenge but it looked like their strength decreasing.
2. Avoid Excessive Baggage
If you’re on a real survival situation, any excess baggage may drag you down. What does that mean in a real life situation? Well, it may mean: sell your stuff fast, don’t get attached to relationships that may drag you down and just be flexible. If you’re going through a survival situation in business this may lead to difficult decisions, which in turn may lead to let people go or to sacrifice some part of the business in order to make sure the rest will be fine. As tough as it may seem, this is sometimes necessary.
A survival situation will ask each of any resource you may have, so carrying out extra baggage will make you slower and heavier. During my survival exercise in the army, I was fortunate enough to get out quickly. But I can only imagine what would have happen, for instance, if I would have had to carry out extra 50 kilos of equipment. I would probably park the equipment in a safe place and get back to it once I got some help.
3. Take Good Care Of Your Health
First things first. Keep your priorities straight. Eat. Hydrate yourself. Get plenty of sleep. Too often I saw people in survival situations surrendering to worries and neglecting their health.
Why? Why spending your whole night thinking how to pay your mortgage now that you’re jobless, instead of just sleeping? Why jumping in denial by drowning in alcohol? What’s the use of it? Not only it will never solve your problem, but it will ruin your health. And health is one of the most important tools in a minimum survival kit. Because with less and less energy you’ll have less and less resources to push through.
4. Jump To Opportunities
Use whatever you have and once you see something that could prove even remotely helpful, just grab it. Don’t wait. Don’t second guess. Don’t hesitate. Don’t wait for better conditions because you may not get any. Don’t assume things will get better, because usually they don’t.
If you’re in a survival situation, you have to act. You have to do stuff, you have to move. When I saw the light of that car, in my survival exercise, I decided I will just go for it. I will follow it and see what happens. It proved to be the best thing that could happen to me. That approach was verified in other survival situations I’ve been through: the moment you summon the courage to take advantage of an opportunity, that opportunity is in fact the end of the survival situation. It’s your way out.
5. Have Hope
I intently left this at the very end, because it’s the most important part of all five. Hope is the fundamental tool in your minimal survival kit.
No matter what you’re going through right now, it’s temporary. It shall pass. You won’t be trapped forever in this survival situation (although you may feel like it now). At some point the wall will break. It always does.
If you don’t keep hope, you’ll lose the battle even before it will start. Because hope is the fundamental ingredient in keeping your lenses clean. In keeping your mind fresh and ready to react. If you surrender to worries and negative thinking, your focus will shift from an “outside” filled with problems (but also with opportunities) to your own internal, dark and immobile reality.
You may actually miss opportunities, real life opportunities, just because you’re not paying attention. The outside situation may be really bad right now, but once you choose to isolate yourself inside, in that part that is completely disconnected, you’ll lose the grip. You’ll get caught in your own whirlwind of negative thoughts and you won’t see the light moving through the hills.
Hope is the thing that will make you enjoy the dinner at the fire camp after the survival exercise.
Because, in the end, all of these survival situations are only exercises. And, always, always, they are less scary than we think they are. We may get the shivers in the beginning, but after you’re out, life is even better. Tastier. Nicer.
What does not kill you really makes you stronger.
Thank you for this. Even though I am not in the military, reading this is going to help me in my current situation. Thank you
You are a life saver. Thank you.
I have been in a rough situation for 4 years now and after some hard lessons, I have arrived at the same 5 points system to ‘survive’. Thanks for this article. Good stuff!
Dragos, I really enjoyed that personal story with added advice.
I personally enjoy stories like this because I would have never know you were in such situations in the past. Thanks for opening up about that!
Great writing Dragos. I really enjoyed this. You’re a very strong person!
Hey Dragos, valuable lessons from military service…
All this starts from the mind. With calm and strong mind, determination and hope, survival is possible. The same applies to everyday problems.
I believe you were in the compulsory military service… Once my friend who has just returned from the army said – “In the military, you have to leave the brain in front of the gate. Return it back when you get out.” When I read the introduction to your article I remembered this 🙂 In my country there is still conscription for all men aged between 19 and 30…
“Be Prepared” and “Avoid Excessive Baggage” is what I can really relate to. I can imagine what carrying excess baggage would had done during your survival exercise. Also great military style advise at the end “What does not kill you makes you stronger!”. Having a closer look at the the 5 tips, hope is perhaps the most important. Great story
Pepsi and Nuts.. I’d prefer Dr. Pepper and Nuts.. I have much more respect for you now knowing all of this. You should write a book about your experience Dragos.
Hey Dragos,
Wow I had no idea you had this type of background. I agree with Diggy as I don’t think I could ever go through what you went through–on a literal sense.
Much respect,
Hi Dragos,
That was a captivating read. A great example of the indomitable human mind and spirit. I loved the example of the 2 ashen soldiers who had clearly not faced the call and were feeling resigned. When we are faced with a survival situation in any realm be it business, relationships or shipwrecks we are on the razors edge of choice. We can fold up or get fired up. No one ever regretted getting fired up and taking their challenges head on. Winners see these situations as stepping stones and opportunity for growth. Successful achievers gain all there is to gain because they give all there is to give.
Hi Dragos,
While it is difficult for me to imagine how tough that might have been, I agree that when you feel, lost, alone, stuck and not sure how you are going to survive, the feelings and even the solutions, are the same whether it is being left in the wilderness, left by a partner, losing someone etc etc.
I think that hope is paramount – when things get really bad, keeping hoping and get through literally a moment at a time. In not too many moments you look back and realise the clouds have lifted a little:)
Great post, thank-you,
I’m a regular reader of your blog, but it’s the first time I comment. It’s the best personal development post I read for awhile !
I also had a similar experience in the army here is Switzerland (a country were military service is still mandatory). I was a sniper, which is kind of hard because we often operate alone… Wasn’t always fun to stay low for a week waiting for a target (dummy, of course), especially when you have to pee on a bittle, shit on a plastic bag and dig a pit in the snow to eat… But you learn soooo much more in these occasion than when you are just keeping busy with your daily routines !
It’s kind of strange as the same principles and rules applies in such different situation as (military) survival, business and personal life. The “extra-luggage” part, per example : do we really need so much stuff ? Aren’t we sometimes weighted down by what we possess ? Beliefs also can drag ones down as easily as an extra luggage on a trip !
Thanks a lot for the great article !
Dushan, from Switzerland
A delight reading,
But how does that have anything to do with business and breakups in life? At the beginning, I thought it was all about the survival when your life is in danger (lost in the wood).
That’s an interesting question and I kinda sensed it in the air 😉
Have you ever seen a man who lost everything in the stock market? Most of the time, after such a traumatizing event, he also loses his capacity of joy, his ability to face challenges, or even his desire to live. Not seldom, these guys are actually committing suicide. The same thing happens to some of the people who are violently thrown out form their 10 or 20 years long relationship. They can’t stand the fact that they\re loosing their life as they knew it and they actually ignite the last step, which is ending the physical life too.
But fact is all those situations are survival situations. Just because the physical threat is not so visible, it doesn’t mean the situation doesn’t challenge life’s inner substance. In our modern world, physical surviving is a commodity, but there are many other aspects which are keeping our lives glued together. When those aspects are pressured, we’re experiencing a survival situation.
So, one might suggest to diversify in relationships. Don’t put too much dependency on just one. Like investments and companies, relationships are not all the same. Romance versus friendship versus business, shared hobbies, etc. And some perhaps should not be concurrently duplicated, e.g. romance.
When one relationship struggles or ends, there are others that are not the same thing, but that provide some engagement and can in some ways compensate. And a diversity of relationships may actually strengthen those relationships. For example, in romance, if you are not too dependent and together all the time, then you actually have things to talk about and share when you are together. Even with husband and wife, if you have your separate activities during the day, it may make your time together more interesting.
Great insights. My first year in the army (U.S.), I spent as much time as I could ducking the hard assignments and exercises. And after that year, I was reassigned to an Airborne unit at Ft. Bragg, NC.
I realized that I could spend the rest of my time in the military getting passed over for promotions and becoming a weaker and weaker soldier, or I could get my shit together, man up, and throw myself into the meat grinder. I opted for the meat grinder, and I’ve never regretted it.
And yeah, I definitely learned to prepare for the worst.
Yes, I remember that point when you actually have to choose: are you going to the drill, or are you opting in for the infirmary (that was the only way out of the drill, by the way). Never opted for the infirmary (except from when I had to go there, sent by a superior, after 5 nights in a row without sleep). That moment of choosing the challenge over avoidance is fundamental 🙂
I really enjoyed your story about the time you spent in the army on the survival exercise. I see ‘borrowing chickens’ is a universal exercise.:-)
This was a very uplifting post.
Thanks for the nice words and glad I motivated you a bit. 😉
I’ve been in the mandatory military service in Finland, too. I’ve had some interesting experiences there as well, such as the moment we were left to in the middle of nowhere in groups, and we had to find our way back to the main camp by walking. So we walked like 24 hours straight. Can you say “blister”? 🙂
Another nice experience was trying to survive in the forest for one week when it was -25 degrees outside. I’ve never missed my cozy sofa back home so much. Digging a foxhole through 1,5 meters of ground frost was also something I will never forget.
Like you said, what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. I didn’t enjoy all the difficult situations back then, but they made me a stronger person and I am so glad I have had the opportunity to have those experiences.
Sounds like we had very similar experiences about survival exercises. I can just imagine how it is to dig a foxhole through 1.5 meters of ground frost. I spent 5 nights in a foxhole during the Revolution (I was still in the army at that time) and I thought my knees will break into pieces.
Well, they didn’t and I can still make good use of them.
Indeed, what does not kills you, makes you stronger and the way I perceive this sentence after the survival exercise will never be the same… 😉
Hey Dragos!
I really enjoyed reading this post:)
Must have been tough in the army, I have never done that. I would love to do it for the training but I would hate to just have to follow orders from people.
Write more of these personal posts, they are awesome to read!
Well, following orders IS part of the training. This is why it was so tough, in the end. It was a fantastic experience and I congratulate every second of my life for embracing it. I would never have been the same person without those traumatizing experiences.
So Pepsi and nuts are the key? 🙂
I’m a fan of jumping to opportunities and traveling light. Baggage does weight you down, and I like the expression “cut the dead wood.”
I’ve been in a few survival scenarios and each one taught me just how important it is to prepare ahead of time when you can — once you are in the thick of things, it can be too late. Mindset and judgment really do make a difference.
Of course, it’s all about nuts. And Pepsi 🙂 Joking aside, the way you position yourself in life is fundamental for survival. It’s not that much about what you’re doing during the hurricane but about what you’re doing before, just to make sure you’ll be able to face a hurricane and get out of it.