In my 2020 year in review blogpost I mentioned 2 failed writing challenges: one on the blog and one about a book I’m still working on. I regret none of these failed challenges, but I do feel a bit incomplete. Like I carry around some unfinished stuff, if you know the feeling. So, I decided to started a new writing challenge, this time only on the blog. The goal is to publish every day for the rest of 2021.
Note that I wrote: “to publish” and not necessarily “to write”. Meaning that I might go into clusters of days in which I’m just publishing previously written material. In that sense, this challenge is more of “showing up” exercise, one in which I intend to just be present on this outlet.
Being there, showing up to the task at hand is very important. I already do this in other areas of my life – at my work, for instance, or in my physical challenges, where I cover a certain amount of kilometers every day – but I didn’t do this on my blog for a number of years now. I think this area of my life is not properly taken care of. And, if I really take the time to look at it, it’s an important part. For a few years, this blog was constantly in the world top 100 self improvement blogs. It was also the foundation for other projects, like startups, apps or books. In a sense, it is the sustaining fabric of all of my activities. Having a weaker fabric sustaining all your projects doesn’t help. On the contrary.
What to expect from this challenge? Well, I don’t have a specific topic list that I will cover and I won’t try to self-impose a certain format. Most likely there will be a mix of short form and long form posts on pretty much everything that I find worthy of writing about.
I will also send a weekly recap of some of these posts so if you want, you can subscribe to my mailing list. Occasionally, I get to share exclusive deals on personal development stuff on that list too, from people that I resonate with, so if you’re into that, well, you might get some goodies.
And, in case you didn’t realize, this was the post for day number one. 364 more to go.