Review: Tips and Tricks for Productivity

So, I took the bait and now I will respond to Simonne Matthew from, in exchange for her third “Rolling Blogroll” review. One word before we start, though: I do think that reviewing other blogs in reciprocal ways is not only a good and decent method to get more links to your blog, but is also a very good writing exercise and a brain sharpening tool that will keep your general analysis capacities to a higher level.

So, at Simonne’s blog you will find all sort of tips and tricks, as the blog address has already hinted you:

I write about all the tips and tricks that impressed me most, about things that meant an improvement for my getting things done better and faster, or about funny things I come across each day.

One other interesting thing I spotted there was related to non-verbal communication. Oh, yes, of course, you will not only find tips for making your website prettier, but also from all sort of other areas. So, if you would like to learn some phrases in the non-verbal communication language, meaning if you want to find out when the guy in front of you says yes in his words, but no with his body, please check this out.

OK, you finally managed to put together your body and your voice, and it’s time to do some work, there you go, you can consult the 7 commands of new web deisgners post – which seems to be the freshiest post as I write this – and you’ll make your life a lot easier. If you’re a webdeisgner. of course. If not, you will find other tips and tricks there.

Last, but not least, the blog presents some interesting ways of making money on the internet. There are severals zones that Simonne had targeted, ranging from Text Link Ads to AGLOCO, but you can find always the most recent posts by browsing through the Money & career category.

The theme of the blog, minimalist and simple, gives a comfortable reading experience. Maybe having excerpts in the category browsing template, instead of complete posts would make the readers be a little more tied up to the page, but the content of the site does it job pretty well so far, without having to modify the wordpress theme too much.

This review is part of the Rolling Blogroll idea from and if you are interested in finding out more, you are encouraged to follow the links on this post.

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