Minimalistic GTD workflow: Getting Things Done with Do It!

Although a little too simple for my taste, Do It (formerly known as “To Do”) is one of the “oldies but goldies” around the Mac software community. Yes, I know, I am being mean, after all, “Do It” is only one or two years old – the author blog haven’t been updated since last year, … Read more

GTD Contexts: How To Identify Them

One of the key factors for a good GTD implementation is the context management. There are many key factors, I agree, but context management is one of them. As you may already know, one of the basic concepts of GTD is to spread your actions over all the contexts you are acting in. You are … Read more – an online GTD application reviewed

The proliferation of web-based productivity applications – with a GTD twist, of course – seems to be the buzzword for these days. It’s less than one month since I wrote a review about, and today I will do the same for another application, called Gtdagenda. You can find it at, and if you … Read more

GTD as a downshifting tool

Downshifting is a good thing. As one of the bloggers who haven’t blogged for the last few weeks, I can assure you that downshifting is good for your health. I’m not going to explain what downshifting is, I’m sure that a whole library couldn’t give you an exact idea, but I will tell you how … Read more

Midnight Inbox 1.1 released

The guys at Mdnight Beep announced a new relase of their GTD software Midnight Inbox, labeled 1.1. I wrote several dasy ago about their teaser, and it seems they are keeping their word. From the announcement I understand that there are hundreds of bug fixes and several enhancements, like SQL backend for data, and archive … Read more

iGTD! Do you?

Well, it’s been some time since I’ve got used to my ThinkingRock gtd helper. For those of you not so into GTD stuff, ThinkingRock is a java-based organizer application that closely follows the David Allen’s Getting Things Done Methodology. I think I’m at or around six months of daily usage. My list of future items … Read more

Midnight Inbox teaser

The guys from Midnight Inbox, the most polished Mac GTD I’ve ever seen (and this is about how it actually looks, not about how it actually performs) announced today a little teaser about what to expect from Midnight Inbox 1.1 version. Things are shaping pretty well, and I already saw some goodness, like “the dock … Read more