100 Ways To Live A Better Life – 9. Create And Keep A Morning Phrase

Whatever you say to yourself in the morning, it will most likely come true during the day. Why not taking advantage of it? Create a simple morning phrase and say it to yourself first thing in the morning. It’s that simple. But there’s a trick here: you have to make your phrase realistic, empowering and … Read more

33 Ways To Feel Better

Every once in a while I feel the urge of writing one of these huge lists. The last one was written almost a year ago, so you can understand my eagerness. But I can’t write something that big without a very specific topic, preferably one that I usually enjoy. So, since feeling well was one … Read more

5 Good Reasons To Share Your Goals. And One Powerful Reason Not To

Goals are great. They are like lights on your path, marking with clarity various milestones one your journey. And goal setting, believe me, is an art. The art of properly setting course to your closest destination, making the best of your resources and with the greatest chances of success. One of the most important chapters … Read more

My Top 7 Demotivating Habits

In the subtle fabric of our day to day routine, every now and again we allow some red stripes to mingle in. Sooner or later, those stripes will unweave the whole mechanism. I’m sure you’ve experienced it too: the day goes on fabulously, everything falls into places, and then, apparently out of nowhere, some small, … Read more

How to Reach Your Dreams through Willpower

I think I finally understand this quote by Marianne Williamson: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate – our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” When I discovered my guest post on Mike King’s blog, Learnthis.ca, received over 1,000 hits on StumbleUpon on the day of its publication, I was … Read more