The first 6 months of serious blogging are crucial. In today’s post I’ll share my experiences with one of the most ignored activities by the beginners, and that would be promotion. This is the second post from a bigger series, so I recommend you to read the introductory post, if you came here directly. If you want to know more about the first post in the series, you can go to The First 6 Months Of Blogging – Writing. And keep in mind that this post is also pretty big, over 2000 words, so you’d better book some free time to read it at ease.
Broadcast Your Message
Promotion accounts for at least 40%-45% of the overall time I spend “blogging”. If this sounds surprising, I must confess that I feel I’m not promoting this blog as I should. I feel I’m not doing enough for it.
I cannot stress enough the importance of promotion in the early months. As always, I learned this the hard way, from experience. In the first 3 months, my traffic was constant, but low. Shamefully low, as opposed to my expectations. The vast majority of traffic came from search engines and since the blog didn’t had a significant number of inbound links, my page rank was low. It still is, by the way, only this doesn’t matter now anymore. 🙂
Here’s my traffic breakdown for the first 3 months:
Search Engines – 58%
Referring sites – 28%
Direct traffic – 14%
During the first 3 months I didn’t do anything to promote this blog. I waited to be picked up by search engines. It happened sooner than I thought, only the traffic I received was extremely low. I was indexed almost instantly but the traffic was not as expected.
So, after 3 months of stagnation I decided it was time to actively involve myself in promoting this blog. I realized something extremely important: the world of blogging is really crowded. There are literally millions of blogs out there. Tens of millions. The vast majority are low quality, it’s true, but even if we accept that 1% of the blogs are really good, 1% of 50.000.000 of blogs is 500.000. You have an enormous competition: 500.000 sites! If you have a little bit of decency you realize that you really cannot wait for the search engines to pick you up and send you in the first place. You can’t afford to do that. You have to actually control the process. At least until you can automate some parts of it and assess some progress. If you do nothing to promote your blog, your chances for a steady, growing traffic are extremely low. You act on a field with enormous numbers.
So, after I started to actively work on my blog promotion, my traffic breakdown changed dramatically in the last 3 months. Here’s how:
Referring Sites 60%
Search Engines 26%
Direct traffic 14%
In absolute numbers, the search engine traffic remained the same, no significant change. So, you realize that the biggest change come from Referring Sites. The traffic I was able to attract form Referring Sites was so big that it actually flipped down all my breakdown.
Basically, in the last 3 months I manage to gain a 225% increase in traffic. And that is only the beginning.
Here’s what I did.
Writing Good SEO
Well, since my search engine traffic accounts only for 26% of my traffic, why would I bother to write good SEO in the first place? I can hear you: why did you started with this step, which everybody knows and didn’t get to the juicy part?
Well, because good SEO is the basics, and you can’t get over the basics. In a not very distant future, good SEO will make your website gain traffic without your personal involvement. It’s very important to get involved in the first months, as I already said, but only to kickstart your traffic. Once you got your blog ignited, you won’t be spending too much time in promotion. Because, if you’ll be successful, you’ll soon get caught in other activities, like public speaking or launching other related projects. And from that moment your blog will rely only on good SEO.
So, write good SEO even if you’re not getting too much traffic from the search engines now. You will be receiving in the future. As your site grows and attract more inbound links, search engines will start to treat you differently: will index you more often, increase your PR and so on. You really don’t want to offer to the search engine bots a clogged and unstructured piece of content.
What Good SEO Means
There’s a huge industry on SEO so don’t expect me to summarize this industry in several lines here. But I can give you at least several directions from my own experience:
- if your blog post is bigger than 5-600 words, break it into several paragraphs with their own titles
- if you use paragraphs with their own titles be sure to add to the titles the requiring CSS attribute (i.e. making them heading 3)
- use keywords in your subtitles
- use keywords in your text
- use comprehensible slugs (i.e. the URL of your post)
- use keywords in your slugs
- make use of metatags, overwrite title, the tags and the description if need will be. (You can use the exceptional thesis framework for this. More details about thesis in the last post of this series, the one about the Tools)
Commenting On Other Blogs
Another way to really promote your blog in the beginning is to comment on other blogs. There are tons of posts on the internet teaching you how to do this, so if you want a quick tutorial you can google this and get you something to go.
From me, commenting on other blogs is useful only when all the following conditions are met:
- I really, really like the blog. I read it because I love the author, I vibrate with the content or I find something useful there.
- I really, really like the community. I know the people who are commenting there, I managed to watch them for a while and I don’t find anything that could upset me like: verbal violence, shallowness, unmotivated aggressiveness, excessive praise for the blog author or lack of added value
- I read the blog at least one month before I started to comment
- I know the author activity on Twitter (yes, that’s right, that’s a reason for me).
Whenever all of the above are included, I usually get a lot of results back from that blog.
Social Networking
Ok, now we’re talking. That’s what really changed my traffic: social networking. The major traffic shift was a direct result of my social networking efforts. Again, this is a tremendous – and somehow shallow – topic nowadays and you can find tons of primers or howto’s if this is what are you looking for.
I am active on twitter, facebook and StumbeUpon. I have accounts on almost any major social networking, including digg and reddit but for various reasons I didn’t have any astonishing results with anything else, except twitter, StumbleUpon, and to some extent Facebook. If you take the hype out of social networking, you’ll come up with only a very useful tool for connections and nothing more. That’s it, is just a tool to make new connections. And as every other tool it can be extremely useful or extremely harmful. You can use a knife to cut your bread or to cut yourself. It’s not the tool itself but the way you’re using it. Social networking is as benign as any other activity, it’s your attitude which shapes it. And of course, you have to take the time to assess the difference between social networking and real life relationships.
A Crash Course In Social Networking
Here’s a quick roundup of how I manage my social networking activities. It’s not a course, of course, it’s just a list of steps I follow every time I am serious about using a social networking website.
Establish a presence
Open an account on that social networking website. It’s obvious, but necessary. Just open an account. It all starts with an account. Can’t avoid this step, so just do it . 🙂
Identify like-minded people
Most of the time I spend on social networking is just searching, or, to be more exact, lurking. I read what other people write, I visit groups, I follow conversations and I identify like-minded people. When I find them I follow for a while to be sure they’re there for good or just incidentally.
Start networking
After I identified my future friends, I engage. I start to interact. I add them as friends, or I start following them, or start stumble their findings. I become active. I don’t add friends unless I actually start some interaction. If need will be, or if I feel I’ve been mislead into an empty game of numbers, I withdraw, like I recently did when I downshifted my twitter account.
Balance your presence
Keep a healthy 1:1 factor with all of the people you’re engaging, It’s so easy to get caught in the mirage of numbers and start to ignore people you already have in your network, only to increase your coverage. Keep up with what you have already, respond to conversation, return services. If you reach a point where you can’t keep a 1:1 presence I highly advise to make this obvious ASAP. Go back to people who are asking for service and tell them that you can’t respond in kind anymore. The same goes when you’re hunted, when other people are interested in your popularity (yes, you’ll become popular at some point) just be honest and tell people that you can’t relate to crazy pictures about crazy cats if you’re into personal development. Just withdraw politely and say you can’t digg, stumble, reddit or retweet, because it’s not from your movie. Believe me, this honesty magically opens some unexpected communication channels.
Increase your networking throughput
When you’re comfortable with your circle of friends / followers, go for more. Start the process again and increase your broadcast power. Go for more coverage but only if you’re able to cope with it. Otherwise the results will be completely messed up.
That’s something I never found anywhere before, but it happens to be one of the best promotion lessons I learned.
What is pre-promotion? Well, it’s the ability to identify interesting topics. It’s a little bit more than that, but that’s the closest description I can find right now. Being about writing, it can be included in the writing strategy we’ve already treated in the first post of this series, but as I said, is a little more than that.
Whenever I treat a subject in an unexpected way, or whenever I write from my own experience I notice that my posts have a natural tendency to grow in traffic. And this is happening because the readers are starting to recommend them to other potential readers. Yes, it’s called word of mouth, I know. This is the most powerful promotion technique because is not relying in search engines and is not about social networking presence. It’s about the actual value you can provide. It’s about being better than all the other 499.999 sites you’re competing with. If you do this, traffic will naturally be attracted.
So, just find good topics and write about what’s needed. Assess your capabilities on that topic, and if you’re good at it, write. For example, I did a whole series about online business because I had an online business for 10 years. I wrote about astrological howtos because I learned by myself how to get successful astrological readings. I wasn’t shy to bring into the personal development field cartoon characters like Dumbo or movie stars like Indiana Jones. And it worked. 🙂
Each of those posts had a faster growth than any other posts in my blog. Because it was a contribution, something that people really found useful.
Get Involved
Blogging has a really low point of entrance. It’s a very accessible activity: you can start without spending anything if you don’t want to. You can start a blog with nothing, just some spare time to write on it. This accessibility makes blogging a very attractive profession. You don’t need a degree, you don’t need specific skills, you don’t need seed money, you don’t need equipment. You can start instantly. Like right now! The idea that you can broadcast yourself to a potential audience of hundreds of millions of people is very appealing.
Unfortunately, this very accessibility makes blogging an extremely competitive market. I don’t think I know any other field of activity in which you can directly compete with 500.000 players. All with different skills, experience, time and other resources. It’s overwhelming. It’s the most difficult market in the world, in my opinion. So, if you want to succeed, you have to take into account that you need to promote your blog. You really have to control the process, otherwise you won’t be seeing any progress soon.
The best thing that worked for me was social networking, but used in a clear and transparent way. I still keep an eye on my SEO for long term purposes. And I do my best to hit some pre-promotion gems.
Which comes down to a very simple thing: find something other people needs and fill that gap in a personal manner.
Just wanted to say thankyou so so much, this has been incredibly helpful! I’ve been browsing around your site for hours and have found everything really useful! Great work 🙂 I’ll be back!
Very helpful. I like your honesty about how tough it is in the beginning months and how much competition there is. Really like your criteria for commenting on a blog and also your approach to social networking. Oh and I really like your advice to grow on Twitter gradually, making sure to keep your connections genuine.
I don’t quite “grok” StumbleUpon – how to use it exactly. Guess that’s the next frontier for me!
Thank you, Dragos.
Promotion is the key. As you have rightfully mentioned, a reasonable amount of time needs to go into doing this. The social networking sites can bring a flood of traffic once one knows the ins and outs of how it works. Each social networking system works in a particular way and most people can leverage on it with the help of some friends within the network.
you are absolutely right..Promotion is a big secret word to make a blog more successful..Unless we promote the blog post, a blog can never be made known to many..highly informative post with useful tips.
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Eric Melin
A StumbleUpon friend has been bugging me lately with pages and pages of her own blog content. Unfortunately, my blog’s focus is entirely different from hers. I’ve obliged her with a couple of thumbs up. Lately, however, she keeps sending me more of the same stuff.
I”m quite irritated with her actions I’m considering dropping her off my friend list in SU. Reading your post, however, gives me a new angle with which to work around the problem. I’m glad I’ve found this post. lol.
I find it interesting you’re taking sometime before leaving comments on other blogs. I’m not much into the sizing up thing. If I find the post pretty useful or intriguing I’m quite eager to leave a comment or two. I’m afraid I might not be able to find my way back in that blog again – what with so many fantastic reads that can be found online.
So many things of interest to me here. In this case, there’s no danger I might forget to come back. I know what’s good for me – so I won’t. 🙂
jan_geronimo’s last blog post..Leaving Behind My Dog Days as a Blogger
Great informative article. It’s about getting the balance between everything you mentioned and that can be difficult for both the beginner (and expert!); especially if your intention is to make an income via your blog because you might be creating your own products, as well.
One way which has helped me generate lots of traffic with my blogs is the use of Blog carnivals and Article Marketing.
Andrew – We Build Your Blog’s last blog post..Internet Marketing Without Article Marketing Is…
@Agent_Luke real estate is surely an interesting market right now. A crisis is such an opportunity if you look at it from the right angle 😉
@scott webb synchronicity works. And although I’m smiling, I’m not joking 🙂 Good luck with your blog, if it’s passion in it, it will blossom at some point. About revenue, this is the next post in the series.
@Scott thanks for the comment and good luck with your blog. Yes, the first 6 months are really crucial 🙂
This series is looking to be quite interesting! I forget how I found your site, but I am super glad that I did. I guess I should thank synchronicity for that.
Anyways, I havn’t have much experience in the official blogging arena, but I have been blogging for a long long time on sites like livejournal, and others. I finally purchased my own domains last year and started slowly. It taken time for me to find the full direction I want to take. I am confident with my passion and sites with series like this, I will hopefully move into full time. I hope your series includes information regarding revenue generation..but I totally understand if it does not.
I am hoping to promote my blog and photography via in person contact as well. I’ve started to find networking scoial media groups in my city and hope it will spread the word as well. I’ll be watching for a long time here!
scott webb’s last blog post..5 Benefits of HDR Photography
This is a fantastic post! Thanks for writing this, I’m currently in that first six month period of blogging on my own domain. Very helpful reading.
Scott’s last blog post..How To Take Advantage Of The Social Powerhouse Called Twitter
Very nice Lineup.
I try not to venture out too much out into the blogosphere and keep in line with my profession, but your stuff is definitely universal. Stumble, Twitter, Facebook, Blogs and micro site networks is what I am juggling all while being a local Realtor in a market calling for more then ever. Its a mad market out there that is just waiting to be unleashed.
@Agent_Luke’s last blog post..Agent_Luke: #Contemporary #LoganSquare.
@Mike King I have two more things on my list for the next months and those are: guest posts and blog carnivals. I haven’t mentioned them in this post because I had no experience whatsoever with any of them, but I’m glad you shared your experience. I will definitely “sell” some guest posts in the next few weeks. Thanks for sharing that 🙂
@Jonathan glad you learned at least that from here, keeping a good CSS structure to your post is a good thing for search engines. I’m also grateful for the good people I met via social networking, and that includes each and every one who commented on my blog 🙂
Nice list of suggestions and summary Dragos. I saw similar results with your areas but for me, the biggest promotion tool is related sites. Not only with comments but guest posts. You can get literally hundreds of subscribers from just a few guest posts where you give away your absolutely best content. That can kickstart a blog real easier to gain that many subscribers. I would say that is the single best promotion tool, even more than social media as a well established blog that you guest post at will already be active through social media so the connections become automatic without any manual work to make them. It’s far easier. Keep it up, I’m enjoying the series to see parallels I’ve had with blogging the past year!!!
Mike King’s last blog post..Cell Phone Etiquette – It’s Your Voice
Another excellent post Dragos,
I did not realize the importance of using the “heading 3†CSS attribute with my sub headings, thanks for that. I focus on the same 3 social sites that you use, facebook less than the other two. I have met some outstanding bloggers to network with using twitter and StumbleUpon and I am grateful for that. I am so very glad you are doing this series. There is a genuine need and you are filling it beautifully.
Jonathan – Advanced Life Skills’s last blog post..How to Calm Your Inner Critic
@Kikolani you’ve nailed pretty close with pre-promotion. I think it’s just another name for writing something really interesting, regardless of the buzz you create (as in this series). It takes a little bit of researching and intuition but it’s really helpful.
@smashill glad you’re finding interesting stuff here. You’re right about commenting on other blogs: some sites will convert, some sites won’t, but the thing is your blog is beyond your blog: it’s good for you to comment just to make your voice heard. Good luck with your small world, and don’t give up 🙂
Pre-promotion sounds like generating a lot of buzz for something that hasn’t been posted yet, that way everyone is excited and spreads the news prior to… like your post when you introduced this series. Researching topics people are interested in, and then saying hey, I’ll be writing about that soon!
~ Kristi
Kikolani’s last blog post..Fetching Friday – Resources Mashup, PageRank Updates
Great post. I am in my second month of blogging, my traffic is still pretty low, but I am working hard on it. I think commenting on other blogs, no matter if they are do follow or no follow will help you tremendously. Before you start a blog you usually have places where you hang out and those are the places to start your conversations. Some sites will convert, others won’t. I even signed up for twitter, and have to say it’s a great timekilling tool, wonder if it will help me to achieve what I want to achieve with me new founded small world, called my blog 🙂
@BunnygotBlog thanks for the comment and glad you find value here 🙂
I needed this article. I have gotten on Twitter and Digg and in a comfort zone with Stumble.
Thanks for the tips.
Keep up the great work.
BunnygotBlog’s last blog post..Life Is What You Make Of It
@nutuba thanks for the comment 🙂 You know, what I meant with “social networking used in a clear and transparent way” was exactly what you pointed. In the end, social networking is no more than a protocol, like email. If you send email spam you’re out actually out of business, it just doesn’t works like that. Social networking is no difference 🙂
Thanks for the nice words, by the way, coming from you, this is really something 🙂
This is an excellent post! You captured so concisely and accurately exactly what it takes these days to be a successful blogger Part of the social networking, too, is to be careful to not let it turn into a spam machine. You do a great job of sending out only quality stuff and in manageable amounts. There are others who bombard me with stuff that’s not that good. I’ll have to admit that sometimes I get carried away and perhaps send out too much stuff, but I do try to only send out what I think is worthy material.
Great article, sir. Keep writing!
nutuba’s last blog post..DC in a Day
@invest in me: thanks for your comment, I don’t think it covers the promotion topic perfectly, but anyway, I do hope it was helpful 🙂
This was an excellent post and i loved the tips, they are very helpfull and touch the issue of promoting a blog perfectlly , thanks for sharing
invest in me network’s last blog post..Google LatLong: Street View cures the homesick blues
@Stephen well, you surely are a loyal reader already 🙂 Thanks for you kind words. You know, it’s not about knowing some stuff, because you can just search on the Internet and find similar stuff. It’s about committing to do it, this is where the hard part is. Doing it consistently for at least 3 months guarantees results. But you need to do it consistently even after you have some moderate signs of success.
dragos, you are on a roll! Another excellent post and I couldn’t agree more. Promotion is the key. Commenting on other blogs, with real comments, not just “Great post! Bye.” is a key factor. Twitter helps a lot. Stumbleupon and friends there is highly effective. You need to turn your series here into an eBook. This is great stuff. If I had read this three months ago… No problem though, I am getting great benefit now from your experience and insight. Thanks again!
Stephen – Rat Race Trap’s last blog post..Develop the Courage to Take Risks