On Queen Street, in Auckland, near the Auckland Tower, there’s a small coffee shop (in fact, it’s more than that, it’s a Starbucks). That was the first coffee shop I sat in during my trip to New Zealand, and that was also the coffee shop in which I met Adam Baker, the man behind ManVsDebt.com, back in October 2009.
We spent around 4 hours talking and sharing ideas, projects or life experiences. It was a very productive meeting and also quite an important one, because it led to my first mastermind group, involving Adam and Glenn Allsopp from ViperChill.com . Anyway, I’m not going to talk about Adam Baker or Glenn Allsopp in this article, although you should do yourself a favor and check out their blogs, I’m going to talk about something really, really important: Adam Baker’s first commercial product: Unautomate Your Finances.
Financial Freedom
I’m telling your from the start, this ain’t gonna be a re-hashing of what I read in Adam’s guide, that would be far too easy. And it will also spoil your surprise when you’re going to buy it 😉 . Instead, I’m going to address several problems that this guide will help you understand (and solve) in a simple and passionate way. Yes, you get that right: it’s time to bring the “simple and passionate” back to our finances.
First of all, by reading this guide you’ll start to have a better understanding of what financial freedom means. This is the cornerstone of every effective financial strategy and the guide does a pretty good job at it.
Second, you’ll start to understand why and how you’re giving away control over your finances. And instead of controlling the flow, you become being controlled by it. Which is not good.
And third, you’ll get a practical set of tools for improving your current financial situation.
If you ever wanted to live a normal life, you bumped into one of those roadblocks. You either traded your time for financial freedom, by building a consuming career, either sunk in debt, by giving away control of your finances, either struggled to improve your finances after some financial crash. Yes, we’ve all been there. Hence, we all can use some advice. And this solid 84 pages guide (and 9 chapters, no fluff) will give you exactly that: simple and effective advice on how to improve your financial situation.
The Deeper Meaning
What I really loved about this guide is not the technical stuff. For anybody trying to learn about how to acquire financial freedom there are tons of free or paid materials on the Internet. Technically, you can learn everything you want about budgeting, emergency funds and stuff like that. But Unautomate Your Finances will goo deeper. It will try to shape a big part of your life in a positive way.
You will find (more often than you think) ideas or concepts from personal development currents like minimalism or digital nomading. Adam was a digital nomad for two years, so he knows what he’s talking about when it comes to pressuring financial contexts (and I can’t imagine something more pressuring than being a digital nomad, living in a foreign country as a family of three with an infant).
Getting rid of what’s in excess and pushing up what brings in a bigger return, that’s the main traction of this guide and I admit I had a few “a-ha” moments myself. As an online entrepreneur, I did budgeting and financial projections almost on auto-pilot, for more than 10 years. But the world is changing and so does the world of personal finances. You need some fresh air every now and then, and Unautomate Your Finances does exactly that: refreshes the air of your personal finances with valuable information and supportive tools.
Leo Babauta Foreword and Interview as a Bonus
Yes, you got the right, the man who practically started what we know today under the name of “minimalism”, Leo Babauta from zenhabits.net, is part of this guide. He wrote a simple yet powerful foreword, which is a very interesting piece in itself, and he’s also featured in a 30 minutes exclusive interview. To be honest, I didn’t know the details behind Leo’s journey towards becoming debt free and the details he shares about he finally conquered his financial freedom were enlightening. And this was coming from a man who created and currently maintains one of the top 25 blogs in the world in 2009, according to Times magazine. Now, how does buying this guide sounds to you?
I thought I heard a “yes” (or at least I spotted an affirmative nodding, which is equally cool) and that’s great. Because this huge bonus is only the visible part of the iceberg. You’ll also have a 30 minutes interview with J.D. Roth from GetRichSlowly.org in which he shares his financial recovery story, and a few specially crafted templates to do your homework.
Oh, the price. It’s 17 USD. Yes, 17 USD, not 170 USD. I won’t detail more on this one because I’m 100% convinced it should have been WAY more than 17 bucks. But hey, that’s Adam’s guide, not mine. He is the one putting up insanely low prices on such a valuable content. Blame it on him.
My Final Thoughts
Are extremely positive, so to speak. I know Adam in flesh and bones and I know how determined he can be when it comes to making his dreams real. And this guide is one of those dreams. I’m happy for Adam. And I’m also happy for you, because you’re going to read an awesome piece of financial self-help.
Go for it. 🙂
Great post. Marvellous writing. I have bookmarked your site.
Wow what a team you’re a part of! The book sounds fantastic. After reading 30 questions the first thing I became aware of was “no fluff.” So when you say no fluff I believe no fluff! There is no better time than now for this book and yours (thrity questions). In fact what an investment both books would be for anyone freeing themselves once and for all!
.-= Tess The Bold Life´s last blog ..Bold Solutions For A New World =-.
“Trading convenience for consciousness”, that’s an interesting perspective.
Isn’t “financial freedom” same as “convenience”?
At least for me, convenience isn’t financial freedom. Financial freedom is not about being rich, but about being free, as in not being tied up to something, yet using it in a normal, non-attaching way.
A review of a financial freedom guide which mentions Adam Baker, Glenn Allsopp and Leo Babauta has got to be worth considering and worth the $17. I’m sure the majority of us would love financial freedom; a bit of an obvious statement, I know but what’s stopping us from achieving it. Now there’s no excuse, not now that we know about this product.
Thanks for sharing it.
.-= Paul´s last blog ..A place for everything and everything in its place =-.
Thanks for being around, Paul 🙂
Hi Dragos,
In times when so many e-books are sold for $47 and up to $97, it’s nice to see some buyer friendly prices out there. I’m sure, with the readership Adam rightfully has developed, he could have easily sold a ton of copies even at a higher price.
I didn’t have the chance yet to dig into my purchase, but just from skimming the PDF I know it’ll be way more worth to me than the $17 I just forked out.
Thanks for the reminder/recommendation. Looking forward to combine the ideas and concepts from “Unautomate Your Finances” with your “30 Sentences for a Millionaire Mindset.”
.-= Marko´s last blog ..Coming Home — My First Solo Release =-.
Glad to be of any help here, Marko. I’m sticking with my word of recommending only what I’m using. 🙂
What financial freedom would be like?
Build your house alone, grow your food, cut and tailor your clothes, push back when your daughter is asking you to buy her a doll or a BMW.
Don’t relate to money and finance in any way.
Or maybe I am missing something?
Financial freedom is being more attracted by money, slowly slowly getting more money?
Financial freedom is, at least in my opinion, freedom from money, as the name implies.
There are two major choices in the world we live nowadays: live with money (as in using it) or live without the money (as in outside the current social system). The moment you start to live with money, you have to make a second choice: whether you’ll be lead by money (as in doing more and more for money without being in alignment with your core values) or you’ll lead money (as in doing what you want, enjoying financial freedom and being aligned with your core values).
That’s what financial freedom means to me: being independent from money. Using it as you use your clothes, but not being a fashion whore.
DragoÅŸ, thanks for the answer.
Do you think that “tertium non datur” applies here or life is mixed?