Today I’m turning 39. And I thought it would be a good moment to post a list about 39 things I learned so far in my life. Or things that seems important to me now. Or just things.
- Regrets are like plastic surgery: they can’t really improve anything and they’re expensive as hell.
- Money is good, but you’re way much better than your bank account.
- Hate is useless. No matter at what end of it are you.
- Love survives. Somehow.
- You can be fooled by the wrap sometimes, but everything you receive from life is in fact a gift.
- You’re as good as you want to be.
- Friends are in your heart, even if they aren’t in your life for many years.
- Goals are good, but no better than the mechanical rabbit at a dog race. At the end of the race, they’re useless.
- Believe everything you want, it will turn out to be true at some point.
- Day dreaming is like oxygen for your mind. If you can’t day dream, you’re slowly suffocating.
- Inside or outside yourself, travel is a miraculous thing.
- Work pays off.
- It’s ok not to like somebody.
- Your words are more powerful than you think. Use with caution.
- No matter how much you have, it’s always about how much you give.
- I’m much better at starting things than at managing them. I made peace with that.
- When you really need someone or something, it will appear in your life. You may not see it, but it’s there.
- I bumped into many “it seems there’s no way to get over this” moments in my life. They’re all in the past now.
- Whatever you speak to yourself into your mind, you will silently go to others around you. Treat yourself nice.
- Hangovers are temporary. So it’s pain.
- Whenever you feel you can’t do it anymore, you can do it at least twice the time you did it. That’s a fact.
- Believe your intuition. Just don’t let it know that, it will inflate with pride and lose accuracy.
- Forgive fast, forgive often.
- You have to repeat your lessons until you learn them. Can’t trick the system on this one.
- There is no such thing as an “inappropriate moment”. Everything happens on time.
- You don’t need permission to be happy. Nor acceptance or validation.
- Fighting is such an energy waster. So much healthier to go the gym instead.
- When you want something, go get it. Don’t fantasize about having it.
- You can make mistakes. That’s ok.
- Other people can make mistakes. That’s ok too.
- Everything happens for a reason. You may not see it right away, but it’s there all the time.
- What you see is mostly what you think you see. Looking back, a lot of stuff looks different to me now.
- Success is not a career, a family or wealth. Success is happiness acknowledged.
- Happiness is a process, not a goal.
- Somebody may hurt you at some point and you may hurt somebody. Pain is part of the game. Suffering is optional.
- Everything you get, you wanted at some point. You only get what you want.
- It’s ok to be loved by other people, even if you don’t love yourself.
- Sometimes I get so bored with elevated sentences about life, like the ones I wrote here. I really do.
- Stop doing stuff. Start living your life.
Happy Birthday (belated), Dragos!
I loved the list, and I agree wholeheartedly that it’s all in the process, not in the goal. Regarding happiness, though, I think I’d take it a notch further. Happiness (we agree) is not the goal; and while I agree that it’s in the process, I also think it’s a decision. Happiness is the approach; happiness is the premise; happiness is where you are at the beginning of the process.
It’s independent of environment; it’s independent of state; it’s independent of physical health. It’s a decision, it’s a choice.
Just some random thoughts at a (seemingly) random time in the morning. I’m going to bed now.
Happy Birthday! Wow, you’re just a kid … 🙂
Happy Birthday Dragos on your 39th. I find myself in many of these points especially #15 about having and giving.
.-= Hicham Maged´s last blog ..Psycho Circus =-.
Tattoo – a permanent reminder of a temporary feeling. (OK, it’s a Jimmy Buffett song, but it’s true.)
.-= McLaughlin´s last blog ..We Build Your Blog Contest =-.
happy birthday Dragos, since i’ve subscribe here (april 09) i’ve got a lot of inspiration and motivation (for life and business) – and this list confirm that. nice way to celebrate 🙂
love #39
Honestly it was great list, Happy Birthday (2days late, sorry for that).
BTW: I’m gonna print-out some article in here, So I can pass it to non-internet people too…
What an awesome idea for a personal development exercise. I am going to try and make a list like this for all my future birthdays! Thanks for the wisdom!
.-= Steven Handel´s last blog ..How Stress Ruins Everything And What You Can Do About It =-.
Oh and happy birthday….duh!
.-= Steven Handel´s last blog ..How Stress Ruins Everything And What You Can Do About It =-.
#26 was my favorite. By the way, Happy Bday.
.-= Casey´s last blog ..Swimming with Sharks =-.
Foarte frumos ai spus 🙂 La multi ani!
Hey great list dragos and happy birthday (even if I’m late)!
.-= Mike King´s last blog ..The Kaleidoscope Relationships List =-.
Happy birthday Dragos … great way to celebrate your birthday. I was looking for ways to celebrate mine (today – 11th) and this gives me a little spark of inspiration.
.-= Ian | Quantum Learning´s last blog ..10 Books That Shook My World =-.
Thanks, Ian
Happy Birthday to you too, fellow Scorpio 🙂 Glad to be of help and also congrats for the last hit you launched, the post in your signature here, you deserve all that traffic 🙂
20. Hangovers are temporary. So is life. That’s just one more reason to have a drink. Cheers!
Happy Birthday 🙂
.-= Alex Hudish´s last blog ..Personal Development Goes Social! =-.
Thanks, had a little bit of champagne last night. Not even remotely enough for a hangover, but reminded me of old days 🙂 Cheers to you too!
Day dreaming is like oxygen for your mind. If you can’t day dream, you’re slowly suffocating.
I made a pictomin about the above point.
Thank you, Johnny, appreciated. I like this idea of pictomins (never heard of them so far). I think it would be really interesting to put a link back to the reference or inspiration. I can recognize mine there, but I’d be really curious who is that guy with the elephant :-))
Great list of life lessons… I don’t think I’d be able to come up with 46 things on mine. lol!
Thank you, JMom
Well, you look like 17 to me, so 17 must be a number you can cope with 🙂
Wow. Just wow. This list is awesome Dragos. And I love the way you write it. There’s entertainment value besides the usefulness. Exactly what I need!
.-= Karlil´s last blog ..Fight =-.
Thank you, Nik
Glad you liked it. Keep up the good work (and win your battles 😉 )
Happy Birthday Dragos, wishing you all the best! I so enjoyed this post! I wonder about #22, never knew intuition has pride:) Maybe it is just ego inflating with pride and starting to interfere with intuition. Anyway..happy Birthday once again, thanks for a wonderful read!
.-= Lana-DreamFollowers Blog´s last blog ..Why Positive Thinking Doesn’t Work =-.
Thank you, Lana
Yes, you may put it like this too :-)) Whenever we get too proud of something it seems that our intuition has to suffer.
This is wonderful Dragos, I love it. I think I might try this. At one point in my life I did a gratitude journal where each day I wrote down something I was grateful for. Most days there were so many things, but I picked the most unique for that day and wrote it down. But this would be a new project. It would really help us all claim and clarify that which we have learned, which is a good exercise for us all. Thank you my friend. I found many of these very touching. Wise.
.-= Robin Easton´s last blog ..When We Don’t Speak of Death =-.
Thank you, Robin
Your authentic and open presence is always refreshing. I did a gratitude journal for 30 days (there are some posts in the blog about it) and it was a healing experience.
Happy birthday, Dragos.
Looking forward to your list on your 82nd birthday. 🙂
.-= Marko´s last blog ..Upgrade Your Listening Skills with Functional Ear Training =-.
Thanks, Marko, I didn’t see this coming, but I’ll make sure to keep you posted when it comes. Maybe we could just update one another telepathically in 40 years. When you’ll feel a little pinch in your arm, well, that will be a pingback :-))
Happy Birthday mate. Some great wisdom for one so young 🙂
Have a great night whatever you are doing
.-= Steven Aitchison´s last blog ..Conquering Fear =-.
Thanks, Steven. Yeah, sometimes I think I should just leave the wisdom away, doesn’t really fit with my age, lol 🙂
Happy Birthday and what a lovely wisdom list for you to share with us.
I especially like from 31 up.
Have a great day well evening now!
.-= Bunnygotblog´s last blog ..The Answer Lies Within The Question =-.
Thank you, Bunny, always a pleasure to have your comments (and charming presence) around.
Hey Dragos,
Happy Happy Birthday….39 awesome years wiser 😉
Love the list!!!
.-= Zeenat{Positive Provocations}´s last blog ..Do you really Think??? =-.
Thank you, Zeenat! I’ll take it as a positive provocation 🙂
The essence of living is in the learning. Nice List Dragos!
Thank you, Jonathan
Your last post was an inspiration for me. Many of your posts are, as a matter of fact. Thanks you for being around 🙂
OMG, the candles will start to cost more than the cake 🙂
Happy Birthday! ( La multi ani! in traducere libera 🙂
Well, we just lit one 🙂 Thanks (Multumesc 🙂 )
Happy Birthday! And awesome list… I’ll have to remember to do this for my next birthday.
~ Kristi
.-= Kikolani´s last blog ..Fetching Friday – Resources Mashup, Week in Review & Getting Off Your Computer To Exercise =-.
Thanks, Kristi. Your next birthday, you mean when you’re turning 23, right?
Happy Birthday Dragos! Great list. 🙂
.-= jen´s last blog ..Your Money or Your Life! =-.
Thank you, Jen 🙂
Hi super Dragos.
Happy birthday to you man~
There are loads of real-world messages here. I could comment on so many of them. 18 is a great one for someone who is stuck in one of those times. They do pass.
#28 is a great one to keep us from wasting time for nothing imagining some good result without actually getting it, and I read somewhere that imagining already having it can make us less likely to actually want to get it, because we get some of the good feeling of having it already.
#38 makes some good sense because there is only so much elevation that is presentable until regular material becomes more desirable.
I could keep going but great value here for those that see it.
You’re bringing it with momentum and vigor, and we like to see this as it continues.
To a cool 39
.-= Armen Shirvanian´s last blog ..Knowledge Is Your Best Friend =-.
Thank you, Armen
Just wanted to tell you that your comments mean a lot to me. Every time you do it, you bring more value and that’s something I always respect. 🙂
Happy birthday my friend!
LOVE this post; such a good idea. I think my favorite is #1, but they are all quotable gems.
.-= Colin Wright´s last blog ..Free eBook: How to Be Remarkable =-.
Thank you, Colin
I don’t have a favorite but putting that one on top of all the others certainly has a meaning 😉
Happy B-day Dragos! I read your blog (though I don’t comment much). Keep up the good work/posts!
.-= Ovidiu´s last blog ..Cum să te porÈ›i cu femeile – varianta pentru IT-iÈ™ti =-.
Thanks for the nice words 🙂 As for the comments, you just broke the ice. Can do more now.
Happy Birthday Dragos! From a fellow Scorpio . How did I know?
I think you’re much wiser than I was at 39!
.-= Carmen´s last blog ..Be a SMART ASS and Design Your Best Life! =-.
Thanks, Carmen 🙂
And I’m not wiser, I might have made a lot more mistakes than you did 🙂
“Goals are good, but no better than the mechanical rabbit at a dog race. At the end of the race, they’re useless”
WOW, I’m really impressed how well you put it. I’ve been screaming from the top of my lungs for a while now, that life is more than a set of pointless goals.
Most people heard that you should “set goals you can’t achieve in your lifetime”. You end up not in a rat race, but in a perpetual rat race.
The whole point to life is to live.
BTW, the best part of getting older is that you’re getting wiser.
Well, I wouldn’t say that getting wiser with the age is really a fact. I mean, look at our leaders, they seem to gradually increase their level of idiocy with every new year. IMHO 😉
Happy 39 Dragos. 🙂
Thanks 🙂
Happy Birthday.
I have been a reader of your blog for some time, but this is my first time commenting.
Number 39 strikes a chord. It does seem sometime that the days fly by when I am “doing” stuff and leaves me wondering whether I have actually “lived” in those days – a difficult balance.
.-= CynicalDoctor´s last blog ..Audible – A brilliant idea =-.
Thanks for happy wishing 🙂
Yeap, this is why I put number 38 there too. Elevated and motivational and inspirational sentences are good and I admit I am (or I got over the years) relatively good at crafting them. But beyond those sentences there’s real life and life can’t be concealed under a sentence, no matter how brilliant that sentence may be. Life’s gotta be lived 🙂
Wow, Dragos!
I love to read personal life lessons. They tell so much about a person. And even more, I would love to learn the stories behind these life lessons (Ok, not the one behind the hangover…:) )
I would add to no. 33 & 34 – Therefore, happiness is a choice.
Damn difficult to make, cause it’s buried somewhere beyond what we think we can control – covered by society restraints and rules (the super-ego in psychology). But it’s there all right.
Absolutely: happiness is a choice. As for the stories behind the hangovers, they’re still part of my life. Some of my highest moments here. I wouldn’t repeat them though, but still part of my life 🙂
Thanks for being around.