About Limitation – My First Podcast

It had to happen: ladies and gents, welcome to my first podcast ever. I admit I struggled with this idea for at least 6 months, but it finally happened. At the end of this post you’ll find my first 5 minutes of talking in an ad-hoc English to the whole blogosphere. But don’t be gentle. Please, be harsh, severe and point me to the points where I’m ridiculous, out of my mind or just plain wrong.

I know I’m doing a lot of bad stuff when it comes to my English, but this time I’m actually talking out loud, with my own voice, so it must be something really entertaining. So please, use the comments to criticize, adjust, rant or just shout in disagreement :-).

If you need a little bit of a preview, here’s what you can find in this 5 minutes podcast:

  • various perceptions of limitation and what are the areas in which we feel it the most: limitation is sometimes about money, sometimes about social life and sometimes about physical movement.
  • standard answer to limitation is frustration, non-standard answer is acceptance. That one was a bit hard to chew for me.
  • how the world changed around me after I accepted limitation and how I got saved by a white horse after I got stuck in snow 4 times.

That being said, thank you so much for listening. I’m ready to be slaughtered. Be merciless 🙂

Oh, you can start by clicking the “play” button below.

[sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://dragosroua.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/About-Limitation-–-My-First-Podcast.mp3″]

Later edit: this post has quite a history: while I was moving the blog from one hosting company to another, the audio file was lost somewhere in transition. I don’t know how much time the page stayed blank, with just the text and no audio file linked, but it happened. As of December 2015, I’m happy to report that the audio file was restored. If you came here looking for audio content, there’s been a lot added to the Audio page.

29 thoughts on “About Limitation – My First Podcast”

  1. Dragos… this just rocked! Loved the content, loved the delivery.

    Thank you so much for putting this together… I can’t wait to hear the next one.
    .-= Lyman Reed´s last blog ..Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill – Free Audiobook and Ebook =-.

  2. Hi Dragos,

    Just listened to your first episode and liked it. Wouldn’t mind a longer episode with more content 🙂

    Regarding your English: I found it pleasant to listen to.

    I have just started my own podcast experiment where I talk without preparation about many different topics:

    http://www.publicreflection.com – don’t listen to the first one though 🙂

    .-= Patrick´s last blog ..Podcast #2 =-.

  3. Hi Dragos, I too was very surprised by your voice. Its funny how we can form an expectation by the way one writes or even a small gravatar picture of someone and be totally surprised by reality. I like the idea of audio casts, I personally don’t get why anyone would do a video cast though when there is nothing to look at except that person talking to the camera. I guess that’s cause I’m an audible learner. Anyway, I’ve been debating putting my own next ebook out on audio (I don’t have the radio voice experience mind you) since my wife said I have to since I love audio books so much. She’s right, just not sure of how much work it is.
    .-= Mike King´s last blog ..Resources February 2010 =-.

  4. Hello, Dragos!

    Your podcast was brilliant; I was thinking your voice would have a stronger accent
    However, it was wonderful and much enjoyed listening. Limitations in many forms and as you mentioned money wise too. The worse limitations are the mental blocks when one is afraid of coming out of the situation that caused the limit itself. Thank you for talking to us over the big Pond, it brought you closer in many ways…Thank you for the lovely blog that you share.

    Best wishes,
    .-= ZuzannaM´s last blog ..SPECIAL DEDICATION =-.

  5. Awesome, Awesome, Awesome.
    This was so enjoyable and well received.
    You have an awesome voice and this will propel your awesome message really really far. There is something really soothing when it comes to a good message and a good voice in contrast to a written post. Not to say there are any problems with the post, but I think you opened a new door my man!
    Did I say this was awesome?

  6. Dragos, I really, really enjoyed this. Not only did it teach an important lesson, but it was so great to hear you speak. Bye the way, you have a wonderful speaking voice and cadence. After listening to your podcast I feel much more connected to my friend from across the globe. Excellent !!!
    .-= Jonathan – Advanced Life Skills´s last blog ..The Art of Making Wise Decisions =-.

  7. Hi Dragos .. last time I visited I checked where you’d come from – I always like to know – as your writing, in your posts, is pretty good. Your speaking voice too – the only bits I ‘missed’ were the 4 x 4 car, or 4 wheel drive .. might be better, and the word rational did not sound right. The other point was you used oh my god (4 times quite quickly) .. I think you should use some other words .. – so that you can be read and heard by all.

    I think the podcast is really good – and as you say you could do a series .. and get people to subscribe .. You sounded knowledgeable .. so all in all well done!!

    Good for you trying new ways ..
    .-= Hilary´s last blog ..Alpha, Treacle, Beta, Dogger, Snow – what do they mean to you? =-.

  8. Hi Dragos. Totally different from what I thought you would sound like, I was expecting a booming, mafia style voice 🙂

    Great content as well. I was speaking about Acceptance with a friend the other day and she advised every time she lets go and accepts what happens to her instead of getting angry she advised she felt a lot calmer and more in tune with life.

    Loved the story about the gypsies as well.

    Not be long before you’re moving onto videos 🙂
    .-= Steven Aitchison´s last blog ..5 Methods to Cut Down Negative Thinking =-.

  9. Hey Dragos,

    As others have said, it’s so nice to have a voice to put to your words. I thought that you were Romanian, but your accent doesn’t sound wholly Romanian – it must be a mixture.

    Don’t worry – your voice sounded great and I could understand everything you said. I really enjoyed hearing the story behind the limitations.

    It’s very cool how you say your name, too. I had no idea that’s how you pronounce it.

    Great first podcast and I’m looking forward to the others.


  10. Hi Dragos,

    Not this Tuesday, but 1 week ago, I was stuck in the snow from 10:30 p.m. till Wednesday morning 4:30 a.m.

    But it wasn’t just me. The car behind me was stuck as well. So was the tractor supposed to pull the cars out of the snow.

    It wasn’t quite as absurd as your gypsy/horse story – but still it got me thinking and I guess I have to be more selective in what instances to follow you. 😉

    The only thing I want to add regarding the podcast:

    I’ve started digging through your archives, and while your earlier posts were really good from the start, there’s definitely a huge development and jump in writing style noticeable.

    I’m really curious to see how far you’ll be taking it from this already high entry level.
    .-= Marko´s last blog ..Challenge of the Month — January/February 2010 =-.

  11. Dragos, I agree with Lisis, I loved how you voice sound and I don’t really hear the accent much. Well, I guess the fact that I speak with an accent myself plays role here. I think you did awesome and put your point across greatly. I would maybe recommend spelling your blog url for people so they can find you if they don’t come from your blog (not sure how those podcasts sharing sites work, do people automatically know your url when they download your podcats?). Other than that you did great. I look foward for more.

  12. Dragos, I agree with Lisis, I loved how you voice sound and I don’t really hear the accent much. Well, I guess the fact that I speak with an accent myself plays role here. I think you did awesome and put your point across greatly. I would maybe recommend spelling your blog url for people so they can find you if they don’t come from your blog (not sure how those podcasts sharing sites work, do people automatically know your url when they download your podcats?). Other than that you did great. I look foward for more.
    .-= Lana-DreamFollowers Blog´s last blog ..By: Baker =-.

  13. Dragos –

    I really enjoyed your podcast – you sound so calm and focused. Don’t limit yourself with the weasel words about not speaking English – you are awesome. I will assess my limitations and figure out how to find the reality of the situation.

    Great work,

    .-= Phil – Less Ordinary Living´s last blog ..Stop taking life too seriously – 5 ways to enjoy the journey =-.

  14. Oh I love your voice – I do, I do! Your accent is very nice. I can’t help it I like it. It’s clear, it’s enunciated well and it’s very well-paced. Topic is fab and the thought process flows well. 🙂 Ok, enough. Off to the critique since that is your wish. A few grammar/flow of English that I would point out:

    Original: We managed … –> Possibly better: We have managed ….
    Original: …don’t get enough friends –> Possibly better: …don’t have enough friends
    Original: …and just sit there —> Possibly better: So I just sat there.
    Original: ….start a controversy —> Possibly better: Start a controversial conversation (which is a bit verbose) or start a discussion or argument.

    Please keep speaking and take all my feedback with a huge grain of salt. And thank you for helping us be brilliantly better, dear Dragos!
    Best of luck with the snow….brrrr!!!

    • Thanks, Farnoosh,

      that’s the spirit, this is the type of feed-back I need 🙂 As for the snow, I’m so happy that in the last week it almost disappeared. Wiring myself up for the spring 🙂

  15. Holy Crap, Dragos!!! I am so glad you shared this podcast, because I had NO idea you sounded like that. Most often, when I first hear a blogger’s voice, I am disappointed (we tend to imagine whatever we want to imagine, so reality usually doesn’t measure up). But in this case, to say I was pleasantly surprised would be an understatement.

    I love it. Everything… the accent, the intonation, the choice of words, the whole deal. So much so, in fact, that I found myself thinking you should record audio books (your own, as well as others). Seriously. I’ll pre-order your first one today.

    OH, the other thing you’d be perfect for is to be the voice for space ships in sci-fi movies! You know, that soothing, calm, totally-in-charge-of-everything-even-in-a-crisis voice? Yup. That could be you.

    Awesomeness!!! 🙂
    .-= Lisis´s last blog ..The Pendulum of Caution, Risk, and Reasonable Doubt =-.

    • Hey Lisis,

      Thank you for the nice words. I actually took your advice and recorded one of my (long) posts. I’m uploading to ejunkie as we speak. I thought of something like “this post available as an audio file”. At a micro-price like 3.99. An entire audio book will take up way too much time, space and work at this moment, so I’m making this test with small pieces.

      I’ll see how this will unfold.

      Thanks 🙂

    • That’s ma’ boy 🙂 Alternatively, I heard a lot from British expats at Bia’s school: “four wheeler” but somehow didn’t think at it during the podcast 🙂

  16. Hey Dragos.

    That sure is an interesting voice. You and Henri sort of have similarly cool voices. Nice to hear both of you for the first time today. Your voice almost reminds me of like a fiction audio-book voice. That is a good thing.

    Accepting what we have sure does make reality more able to be handled. We get a grip on what we have to deal with, and then can do so, as opposed to being resistive of what is in front of us. Calling a piece of lettuce a carrot doesn’t make it a carrot, but accepting that we have lettuce lets us move on to the step where we go to the store and get the carrots we wanted.
    .-= Armen Shirvanian´s last blog ..Others Won’t Create The Perfect Circumstances For You =-.

  17. Cool stuff, Dragos! I like how you said Dragos Roua, it sounds badass. You sound nothing like I expected, but then again I seem to be way off the mark when it comes to figuring out how people sound.

    Gypsies helped you? Who knew? That’s awesome and I really enjoyed this podcast. Short and sweet.
    .-= Henri´s last blog ..How to Overcome Arbitrary Rules (or How I Made My First Video and Survived) =-.

    • Hey Henri,

      I think there aren’t any coincidences out there 😉 You publishing your first video the same day I’m publishing my first podcast, well, there’s a hidden reason for that. As for the sound of my name, well, that’s how Romanian sounds 😉

  18. Hey Dragos!
    Wow, really cool podcast. Firstly it’s great to hear your voice after reading your posts and communicating via twitter and email for so long.

    Secondly, you sound very wise and you have a lot to share with the world!
    I hope that you do these podcasts more often, maybe once a month or so 🙂

    .-= Diggy´s last blog ..A**holes – The Menace of Society =-.

    • Hey, Diggy, thanks for the kind words and glad you liked it. I intend to do it weekly. I worked as a radio host for 7 years so it wouldn’t be a big effort for me, it takes 45 minutes at most, with publishing.


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