33 Questions For An Interview With Yourself

Today I’m going to interview somebody really special on my blog. And that would be you. Exactly, you, the one who’s looking at the screen right now. You are a very important person and it’s an honor for me to interview you. I prepared a list of 33 questions and I’m really looking forward to hear your answers.

Yes, this is an interview. With you. Why? Because you’re important, that’s why.

1. What Do You Do For A Living?

You may not know what you’re really doing for a living. You may think you have a job, but you’re actually just selling your time. And that comes down to selling your life. And that means you’re living your life by selling it. And you may not even know that.

2. Who Do You Love?

Is that your partner? Or somebody else? Do you love many persons at once? Just answer as detailed as you can to this one. We never seem to have enough time do really think at the ones we love. We can’t love someone if we forget to think about him.

3. Do You Have Enough Money?

That’s a very important question. You may have less money than everyone else in your group, but still have enough. Or you may have huge amounts of money and yet not enough to make you feel better. How much money do you need in your life?

4. Are You Healthy?

You may  be able to wake up every morning and go to work, but do you think at yourself as being a healthy person? The way you see your health has a huge impact on your reality perception. It’s like applying filters to what’s happening to you.

5. Do You Think You Are a Good Person?

Have you ever wandered what do you think about yourself from this point of view? Maybe we take it for granted that we are inherently good and all the other guys are wrong. But is this really true? Do you really think you are a good person? Why?

6. How Old Are You?

You shouldn’t just open your ID and do some math. It’s not the number of years since you’ve been born that matter here. But mostly how old do you feel you are. What’s your perceived age. Because, believe it or not, this is your real age.

7. Who’s Your Best Friend?

Do you have one? Is he or she still alive? Write his name and think at that person for a while. Write a short description of he or she. Where did you met first time? What were the circumstances? What makes that person your best friend, after all?

8. What’s Your Childhood Dream?

Do you still remember it? You wanted to travel the world? You wanted to just have a family and raise your kids? Is that what you’re doing right now? Has your dream become true? Or are you drifting away from it with every single day of your life?

9. How Often Do You Laugh?

Try to remember exactly how often do you laugh during a day. Is this a difficult thing? Why? Because you laugh so often that you couldn’t remember when was the last time you didn’t had a good laugh? Or because you simply forgot how it is to laugh?

10. What Makes You Smile?

List at least 10 items. If you can’t find 10 items that makes you smile, we have a problem. Don’t rush, take your time. Smiling is different from laughing the same way walking in the park is different from climbing a mountain. You’re just enjoying the walk.

11. Who’s Your Most Dangerous Enemy?

Do you have one? List his/her name here and a short story about how this enemy changed your life. Friends are making us do things for them, but enemies are making us do things because of them. Either way, they’re shaping our life and we must know how.

12. Where Do You Live?

Is this really your place? Do you feel at home there? How did you end up with it, anyway? The story of your house is deeply blended with your own life. Where do you feel at home is the most important place in the world for you. What makes it home?

13. Do You Think You’re Strong?

I would be really curious to know the answer to this one. I love strong people. They have this power to change their life and to create incredible things. What “strong” means to you? It’s a question of force? Or endurance? Of speed? Or intelligence?

14. What Was The Most Important Thing You’ve Done So Far?

Have you really done something important? Something that changed your life fundamentally? Or something that changed somebody else’s life fundamentally? Why was that important? Answer with first thing that pops out in your head.

15. What Was The Most Stupid Thing You’ve Done So Far?

Do you consider you’ve done stupid things in your life? I think everybody does but not everybody admits that. Most of the people blame the circumstance, the karma, the others, everyone except them. Do you have the power to accept you’ve done a really stupid thing?

16. Do You Love Yourself?

Like really, truly accepting everything about you. Does it happen to hate yourself? Most people do that without even being aware. Just answer the first thing that pops to your head, again. Usually, this is exactly how you feel about yourself.

17. What Do You Fear The Most?

That might be difficult. But also liberating. Your biggest fear is most of the time your escape door, if you face it with enough courage. Can you think at something that scares you really hard? Maybe answering to this question will really frighten you?

18. What Is Your Favorite Word?

You must have one, everybody does. It might be the one you’re saying all day long without realizing or it might be something that really makes you feel good when you’re telling it. Most of the time, there’s an unconscious link between your true self and this word.

19. When Was The Last Time You Cried?

Admit it. Everybody cries. Men, women, kids. It might be something you’re not very proud of, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happened. What was so powerful that really cracked you up inside? Think about it and let it emerge again. Make peace with it. If you can.

20. What Is The Best Thing That Could Happen To You Right Now?

In this exact context, what’s the only thing that could shift your entire existence if it will manifest right now? Many people tend to give a certain amount of money as a number, but in my experience this will only maximize the problems, not making them go away.

21. What Is The Worst Thing That Could Happen To You Right Now?

Again, what’s the only thing that could negatively impact your life right now in a way that you wouldn’t believe it’s possible? Between those two possibilities lies your entire lifespan. How is this lifespan? How large is your road are you traveling now?

22. Picture Yourself In 5 Years From Now

Not really a question, but definitely an interesting answer. Can you see yourself in 5 years from now? How would you look? How would you behave? You would do the same things are you doing right now? Don’t write a full story, a single, concentrated sentence would be enough.

23. Do You Regret Anything?

If yes, what exactly? If not, why not. Regrets are usually strings we didn’t pull entirely from our past, leaving us tied up to a context which is not longer real. Facing your regrets will reveal parts of yourself you thought you forgot. Important parts of yourself.

24. What’s The First Thing You Do In The Morning?

Just after you open your eyes. Is it a thought? Is it a gesture? We all tend to create a morning routine and it seems that this routine is shaping our entire diurnal activity. Have you ever thought what is the first thing you do in the morning?

25. What Are You Thinking Just Before Going To Bed?

Similarly, before you go to bed, you do have preferred thought. What is it? What makes your transition to the sleeping world without any major frictions? What’s your password to the dream realm? What if you would lose this thought suddenly?

26. What Was The Highest Point You’ve Ever Been To?

Was it a mountain? Or a huge city tower? Whatever feels high for you should go there. I don’t want to know the difference from the sea level, but what exactly you experienced on the highest perceived point you’ve ever been? Fear? Exhilaration?

27. If There’s One Thing In Your Life You Want To Change Right Now, What Is It?

Imagine you met a fairy tale and you have only one wish: you could change only one thing in your life. What is that thing? How would you like to change it? If it wasn’t this absolute power you just received, would you still wanted that thing to be changed?

28. What Are You Proud Of?

What is the only thing you’ve done that will instantly make you feel totally and undeniably proud of yourself? When you did that? What were the circumstances? Would you still do the same thing now?

29. Sum Up Your Life In One Sentence

If in the next 10 seconds your life will end, how would you describe it? Just one sentence for your entire life. Can you do that? You only have 10 seconds, so you can consider this a speed question. 🙂

30. Name The Thing That Annoys You The Most

Is this a mosquito humming? The sounds of a knife on a porcelain plate? Or is it people calling you in a certain way? Friends breaking promises? Being stuck in traffic? Try to remain calm while answering.

31. What Is Your No 1 Question To God?

Yes, it’s your interview, but if you would be able to address one question to God, assuming He will answer you, what would that question look like? What is the most important thing you want to know from God?

32. Do You Have Secrets?

If yes, why? If not, are you sure? What is your number one reason for having and keeping secrets? Are you afraid of other people reactions? Ar you ashamed? Or you just love to cover things for the pleasure of re-discovering them later?

33. What Makes You Laugh?

You do have something that instantly puts you in a totally laughing state, do you? There must be something that makes you laugh out loud. What is it? When was the first time you bumped into that thing?

Ok, I lied. There are 34 questions:

34. Are You Happy?

Now, here’s the deal. If you blog, feel free to copy and paste this article on your blog (with a link back to the original, of course) and answer each question at a time. Feel free to skip the ones you don’t like or don’t want to answer. But do keep the link back so I can discover you. I told you, you’re important.

If you don’t have a blog, maybe it’s time to start one just to answer this interview. Kidding. Or maybe not :-). Anyway, if you don’t blog, I made an ebook for you. Don’t worry, the ebook is completely free, no obligation. As a matter of fact, you can download it right here, right now, absolutely free:

33 Questions For An Interview With Yourself (10063 downloads )

Just print it out and write the answers at your leisure. Although I wouldn’t know your actual answers, you can leave a comment and just make me aware that you found some time in your busy schedule and completed it. Like this, I know the interview really happened.

Oh, and if you want to offer the ebook as a freebie on your site, feel free to do it, as long as you leave the content completely intact.

So, once again: who can pick this up? The answer is: anyone! You, especially. And you still wonder why? Because you’re important, that’s why.

Thank you so much for your answers. You may not know it now, but you really are an inspiration.

Image by Shahid Abdullah from Pixabay 

84 thoughts on “33 Questions For An Interview With Yourself”

  1. Hey… i dont knw how i stumbl with this one out of nowhere……..any way i really needed one such push from myself.
    Enjoyed answerng your questions…it was a good exprnc…shared it with othrs

  2. Absolutely love this, I intend to sit down this afternoon and conduct my own interview. Detatching yourself from the process allows you to reveal much more of your self, than just asking what do I want. This is the second push today that I have had along the same lins…so I do believe someone’s trying to tell me something. Thanks

  3. Rob Brezsny suggested this in my Free Will Horoscope this week (Pisces). I also received two other signs that it was time for a little self reflection. This was fun:-) Thanks!

  4. Incisive at points, but overall too long. I prefer old Alan Watts: “who are you?” and “what do you want?” (he thought these 2 amounted to the same question). Finally, he would ask his students to write down, in some detail, their notion of paradise.

    No matter the details, though: the point of such thinking is to take you out of thought, beyond it. If that’s the net effect, then this or any other “interview” meets the challenge.

  5. I just wanted to thank you really quick, because I’m supposed to conduct an interview with someone important for school. I’m picking me, and not for the vain reasons you think I have, but because of some silly “I want to be heard” notion, even though they won’t know it’s me, and–Anyways, my point is I found these questions really helpful. Thank you.

  6. I revist these 33 questions every year or so ever since you first wrote them back in ’09. After each new sitting, I’d re-read my old ones. Funny thing is that this time I’ve lost my old ones.. But have gained a new me ????

    Thank you!

  7. These questions took longer than I thought to answer. But I suppose that’s the point. A lot of these questions don’t have static responses. Thanks for making me think a little deeper about who I am and who I want to be. This was actually quite transforming for me. Cheers!

    .-= Jason´s last blog ..Dealing with Social Anxiety=-.

  8. Thank you for the great questions. I am working with my creative writing class to dig deep. Of course, I edited a few for middle schoolers but surely enjoyed them all! Will send to friends and family. We need to always question!

  9. Hi Dragos,

    I want to thank you for this questionnaire. I stumbled across your website back in 2010 and, since then I have partaken in and interview with my self 3 times. The most recent being today. I keep my previous interviews and look back to see how far I have come. Can I just say that this last one was the longest (6 pages!) and the most honest compared to previous years. I encourage people to hang onto their interviews as, upon re-reading my previous interviews, I can see exactly where my ego and pride was answering instead of my heart. I’m not going to lie, I have a long way to go but, the journey of this life is in a better place for me now more than ever.

    Well, hope that didn’t bore you or your readers. Thank you again brother 🙂


  10. I enjoyed this and will share it. Thanks. I am glad I found you in here. I like your style of writing and contemplating life’s ins outs & ups downs…

  11. Nice compilation, a better way to know yourself. How would you replace Q no. 32, taking into consideration that you don’t believe there ever was, is or will be a higher creature that made all earth / universe and so on? Why not if you had one question to ask Albert Einstein, what would you ask him? He made more for the human kind than any idea of God ever did (actually the god thing made only mess).

  12. Hello, I came across your blog by following a link from Galadarling, and really enjoyed reading it. It’s great to meet you! 🙂

    Thanks for the thought-provoking interview, it was really good to sit back and reflect for a minute. I reposted it on my personal blog here , which I will leave open for you for a few days (it’s a personal entry and prefer to keep those under filter).
    Thanks again!

    • Hey Daria,

      I read your interview, it’s awesome 🙂 As an Easter European targeting almost the same country (New Zealand, in my case, not Australia) I find it somehow interesting that we both crossed paths. Or maybe it’s just another of those serendipity moments 😉

      • Hi Dragos (is that your first name?)
        Thanks for the feedback, glad you enjoyed my musings 🙂 I gathered from your blog that you are considering moving to NZ – are you already there, or is in a planning stage? Where are you planning to live? I love NZ, been there twice already, and would love to live there one day. I’ve some pictures of our trip there in February this year here , you might enjoy them.

        I think it is serendipity 🙂 I’d love to keep in touch!

  13. Pingback: 33 Questions For An Interview With Yourself « The Daily G
  14. Pingback: ConcettoEmozioneMusica
  15. Hi!I just love this interview!Thanks!
    I’d like to share my answers on my blog,but I’m Italian,so I should translate it in my language..May I do that?

  16. Hi Dragos,
    I was following your blog for several weeks and now I’ve decided to answer to these special questions about myself.
    First, I just want to let you know that the subjects you chose for your are really interesting, captivating, hard to stop reading when you’ve begun. I find a great sense of maturity, experience in your posts and this is something that make me learn a lot about me or others.
    I don’t have a blog, but if you want to know more about me you can visit my website or my deviant art space : myhera.deviantart.com
    I’ll be honored 🙂

    (sorry for my bad english, I’m Swiss)

    1. What Do You Do For A Living?

    I’m working as a graphist in an international enterprise. I create the technical and creative stuffs about visual identity.

    2. Who Do You Love?
    My partner, mostly. And I barely know if there is enough place for someone else. Otherwise, my dog I guess, my friends and my family.

    3. Do You Have Enough Money?
    Answer is no.
    And it’s weird because I never had so much money, but I can’t spend money and when I do it (even if it’s for eating), I’m feeling bad and guilty. I’ve drawn limits that I’m sure are necessary, but too tight maybe. When I think about it, it seems stupid. I guess I would have enough money the day I could spend without any doubts or guilty feelings.

    4. Are You Healthy?
    I can get up every morning, I can go to work. But I’m not sure to be healthy. Physically a bit weak depending on my thoughts. It’s very “bipolar”.

    5. Do You Think You Are a Good Person?
    I think I’m a good person. I’m here to listen to the others when we need me and when they don’t I can be “invisible” to them. Being a good person is also leaving the others alone sometimes. I help, I really try, I try to understand, and when I don’t I respect. I’m honest with my friends and family.

    6. How Old Are You?
    22 on my identity card. I guess I’m older, close to 25-30 years.

    7. Who’s Your Best Friend?
    She’s a girl, the one that I met when we were 7 y.o
    I’m still in excellent contact with her. During all these years, we never had a fight. She was still there, I trust her deeply. She didn’t judge me, she gives me advices. Good advices. Always happy to be with me and she often has the same point of view, that counts a lot. 🙂

    8. What’s Your Childhood Dream?
    It comes quickly to me that I had to publish my stories. I write since I’m a child. I’ve always love that. I’m working hard on a new story (for more than 2 years now), and I believe in it ! I would like to try editors when I finished to write it.

    9. How Often Do You Laugh?
    Today I laughed a lot with my working partners. But there are some days when I laugh two or three times, hardly less.

    10. What Makes You Smile?
    Babies (animals, humans), pictures of my partner, when I found a good game in a shop, trailers from movies I’m waiting for, receive a package, try clothes and buy them, books of recipes I look forward to cook… and buy them, someone who’s smiling at me, compliments or kind words, when someone helps me, see a good friend after a long time, my dog, good smells, …

    11. Who’s Your Most Dangerous Enemy?
    A girl that used to be my close friend, but totally changed and became hardly “tight minded”. We live in the same city, and sometimes I’m afraid to see her… her and her terrifyingly tight minded boyfriend. I don’t really live with a fear to see them, but I’m quite anxious about it. I wish I didn’t care.

    12. Where Do You Live?
    At my parent’s. In the same room that my sister. I feel bad, because I always need to be alone since I’m a child, and I just can’t with this new situation. It’s temporary, need to find an apartment.

    13. Do You Think You’re Strong?
    I tend to be. I had hard choices to do, and I made ones that could make me happy for my future. It worked. Sometimes, when I think about my past, I think “this time I was strong”, but sometimes I thought how I was weak and how I can never make that happen again.

    14. What Was The Most Important Thing You’ve Done So Far?
    Go back to Switzerland for a job, I guess. A hard choice because I had opportunities in different ways. It gives me the chance to relink with old friends, and make new ones, find a good job and begin my life softly.

    15. What Was The Most Stupid Thing You’ve Done So Far?
    Probably making people angry. I don’t like that, as everyone I suppose. I strongly regret what was saying. Expose myself to the others as an idiot without any courage to say what I was thinking, playing a role.

    16. Do You Love Yourself?

    17. What Do You Fear The Most?
    Lose my partner, lose a chance to have my independance, be unhappy, be depressed.

    18. What Is Your Favorite Word?

    19. When Was The Last Time You Cried?
    Yesterday, evening. Because I had bad thoughts about my partner. We didn’t live in the same country, it’s hard when you’re in love.

    20. What Is The Best Thing That Could Happen To You Right Now?
    My partner enters right now in my room as a surprise, a phone call from a work partner telling me that he could give me his apartment, the game that I’m waiting for so long is arriving now in my letter box :p having a promotion !

    21. What Is The Worst Thing That Could Happen To You Right Now?
    Same things than at top, but negatively.

    22. Picture Yourself In 5 Years From Now
    engaged or married, independant, with a dog and an apartment, with my actual partner, easy situation, a cool car, same friends.

    23. Do You Regret Anything?
    Sometimes I feel regret because I was a bit individual during my studies. I made some mistakes, surely, and I didn’t link with anyone. There are still things that I don’t understand with the end of my studies. Now I have no more contacts with them. And I also regret to follow my father’s advices.

    24. What’s The First Thing You Do In The Morning?
    Stay a few minutes thinking about the day, in the dark room. Then I go pee.

    25. What Are You Thinking Just Before Going To Bed?
    I would like to read, oh no, it’s too late. Ok, just a few pages.

    26. What Was The Highest Point You’ve Ever Been To?
    “great wall” in China. I don’t know how to say this in english.

    27. If There’s One Thing In Your Life You Want To Change Right Now, What Is It?
    A strange answer comes to me right now, it’s certainly not the answer I’d give to the fairy, but I think about my sex.
    Sometimes, I feel like someone just gives me the wrong sex. I’m a girl, I’m not gay, I love my man. But … strange.
    Otherwise I’d say something about my independence, or … dunno.

    28. What Are You Proud Of?
    I’m proud of how I take my job.

    29. Sum Up Your Life In One Sentence
    A creative girl confined in a tight body, struggling to draw out her ideas and let the world know them.

    30. Name The Thing That Annoys You The Most
    My sister when she speaks loud with her noisy friend on telephone.

    31. What Is Your No 1 Question To God?
    What do you think about my ideas ?

    32. Do You Have Secrets?
    Yes. A lot for my family, less for my partner. I try to tell everything to him. I think he knows more about me than everyone else.

    33. What Makes You Laugh?
    Parodies (especially Harry Potter parodies), jokes of my little sister, old movies that I watched when I was a child, some jokes of my artistic friend, grins, funny voices, Roger Rabbit, animals behaviour sometimes, my partner’s jokes, some old singers as Rick Astley (“never gonna give you up”) ha ha ! he’s so great ! He’s so serious with his little dance :p

    34. Are You Happy?
    I’m not complaining. I’m feeling good.

  17. Pingback: 2+2= 2010 « Vlad Maior
  18. Pingback: 28 Things You Probably Never Knew About Me
  19. New to your site. Nice job!! Love all the topics covered and the very polished look and feel. It’s friendly and packed with great information and inspiration here. Thanks for visiting http://www.ownyourbackbone.blogspot.com and for the comment about Om! in bed before you get up. I got 20 minutes of quiet this morning upright with sleeping dogs. It was great. I’ll be back…

  20. Hi Dragos, I enjoyed reading the answers to these questions from some of my favorite bloggers. Well, that was enough to persuade me to do the same. Not sure when, but soon. Brilliant idea.
    .-= Jonathan – Advanced Life Skills´s last blog ..Is Life Getting More Difficult? =-.

  21. We are being troubled with heavy rains and gale force winds and trees falling over power lines so the power has been coming and going. I will post my answers to the 34 interview questions in my blog before the week ends.
    .-= timethief´s last blog ..Men, women, sexuality and jealousy =-.

  22. Pingback: 34 Questions That Made Me Think | Beyond the Lens
  23. Ok, I interview Jonny Gibaud and that guy is a Jackass.

    He kept moving around, trying to add humor to the answers and blowing bubbles in his coke.

    On the serious side though It is a good set of questions and I definitely took some time over the question I would ask God.
    .-= Jonny | thelifething.com´s last blog ..How To Be A Chocolate Coated, Sprinkle Covered, Irresistible Social Supermagnet =-.

  24. Ok, I wanted to answer every question and remember, so I turned on the Voice Notes in my blackberry and recorded all my answers to the 34 fabulous questions, some of which are a bit too personal, but no one is here to hear me. Thank you for the self-queries :)!

  25. This list is definitely a must do! It really made me think and question what’s really important. Thanks for the constant reminders Dragos. I saved it for pondering later.
    .-= Amber´s last blog ..Chewing A Rainbow =-.

  26. Loved it, thanks Dragos. When I asked myself what my favorit word is, the answer that first came up in my head was – Love. Me likes:)
    .-= Lana-DreamFollowers Blog´s last blog ..Finding Your Life Purpose: The Most Powerful Way to Discover What You Truly Want In Life =-.

  27. 1. What Do You Do For A Living?

    I’m a doctoral student in English literature and I teach 3 college courses a year on my graduate fellowship.

    2. Who Do You Love?

    My mother, many of my friends, and a special someone who is my on/off partner. Animals. Nature. Cites too…

    3. Do You Have Enough Money?

    No, I am barely self sufficient. But I have a lot of time and that is what is important to me at this juncture.

    4. Are You Healthy?

    Yes I’m healthy and have the lab results to prove it. However I honestly suffer from some self esteem problems because of mild acne. I’ve tried changing my diet and that has improved my skin but I have trouble sticking with the regimen…

    5. Do You Think You Are a Good Person?

    I am reliable and loyal. I help the students I teach and am friendlier with them than most. Yes.

    6. How Old Are You?

    26 feel 21…even though I’ve been living a wild double life since I was a teen, I don’t feel ready to settle down like some of my peers.

    7. Who’s Your Best Friend?

    My mom.

    8. What’s Your Childhood Dream?

    To be an artist and to commune with animals. I consider myself an artist and I still adore animals. Living in New York City makes it impossible for me to be a pet owner.

    9. How Often Do You Laugh?

    Whenever I teach.

    10. What Makes You Smile?

    Animal videos, my students, pictures of my partner, the beach, yummy fresh fruit, kids in the hall, sifl and ollie, homemade food, brunch, my lake cabins, my home state, new york city (coming back to it anyway)

    11. Who’s Your Most Dangerous Enemy?

    George W. Bush and other influential people who I consider to be blind to the results of their actions.

    12. Where Do You Live?

    new york city. it’s home to me but eventually I’d like to settle somewhere like cali or hawaii where I can be close to nature, a milder climate, and beautiful beaches. new york is good for me now.

    13. Do You Think You’re Strong?

    I’m very determined and I don’t let small setbacks phase me. sometimes I look back and I feel weak at all of the things I’ve done in the past. sometimes I forget how strong I am.

    14. What Was The Most Important Thing You’ve Done So Far?

    help my homeless friend, encourage him at a time when the whole world, his family and friend, turned their backs. now it looks like he’s finally paying me back…his love was enough though. also becoming independent which I did upon graduating college at age 21…then deciding not to work 9-5, not to be a wage slave, starting at age 22. then entering my phd program.

    15. What Was The Most Stupid Thing You’ve Done So Far?

    probably exposing myself sexually to people who I didn’t know as well as I should have. luckily I have no stds or pregnancies in my past but I did some stupid things.

    16. Do You Love Yourself?

    I love myself but I don’t think I’ve reached my full potential.

    17. What Do You Fear The Most?

    My mother becoming sick or dying is my greatest fear. I want to accomplish a lot before she dies so that she passes away knowing that I’m on a good track. I want to have a grandchild for her and succeed in my career. She had me at an older age and I’m an only child so I feel a lot of pressure. My father already died and thus is out of the picture.

    18. What Is Your Favorite Word?

    coruscate, glimmer

    19. When Was The Last Time You Cried?

    A few days ago during a sort of fight with my on/off again partner.

    20. What Is The Best Thing That Could Happen To You Right Now?

    Getting my novel published. Financial stability.
    21. What Is The Worst Thing That Could Happen To You Right Now?

    Me or my mom incurring a life threatening illness or condition.

    22. Picture Yourself In 5 Years From Now

    A successful screenwriter, pregnant, with my own house on a tropical island.

    23. Do You Regret Anything?

    I guess I regret not spending more time learning guitar when I was younger. It’s one skill I would really value.

    24. What’s The First Thing You Do In The Morning?

    Check my messages.

    25. What Are You Thinking Just Before Going To Bed?

    That I’m going to get up again in 15 minutes, and what I’ll do (but then of course my nap turns into full slumber).

    26. What Was The Highest Point You’ve Ever Been To?

    I think a mountain in maine. Giddy but also short of oxygen…like I needed thicker air.

    27. If There’s One Thing In Your Life You Want To Change Right Now, What Is It?
    Greater success as a writer.

    28. What Are You Proud Of?

    Getting a job in publishing out of college when my mom doubted me.

    29. Sum Up Your Life In One Sentence

    Resilience, early rebellion, love of nature, hope, persistence, deep selfless love

    30. Name The Thing That Annoys You The Most

    Lack of recognition for work…”invisible” workers who are only criticized, never praised or rewarded

    31. What Is Your No 1 Question To God?

    Why the suffering?

    32. Do You Have Secrets?

    Yes I have secrets. I keep them until I find someone who I think is mature and understanding enough to hear me.

    33. What Makes You Laugh?

    Again…funny animal videos.

    Ok, I lied. There are 34 questions:
    34. Are You Happy?

    Happy yes, fully satisfied…probably never

  28. 1. What Do You Do For A Living?

    I am enabling other people to use computers (that is I am a

    software developer)

    2. Who Do You Love?

    Partly my parents and partly an imaginary icon girl (one

    that I hope exists)

    3. Do You Have Enough Money?

    No.I am trying to obtain a mortgage loan but for this money

    never seem enough

    4. Are You Healthy?

    Mostly. Any health conditions that I might have can be at

    most called annoyances (like nail problems or sometimes

    small and scarce zigs etc.)

    5. Do You Think You Are a Good Person?

    Although I try and quite often I am, I am sometimes

    perceived as mean.

    6. How Old Are You?

    28 by my ID and 33..35 by my soul

    7. Who’s Your Best Friend?

    So far the debugger and a guy I met last year at a training


    8. What’s Your Childhood Dream?

    To have a happy home, with wife and kids, a car and no

    money worries

    9. How Often Do You Laugh?

    Scarcer and scarcer

    10. What Makes You Smile?

    Fragments of my hope

    11. Who’s Your Most Dangerous Enemy?

    My current (official) girlfriend. She is really slowing me

    down and dragging me away from the success road.

    12. Where Do You Live?

    In my home where I was born, in Bucharest

    13. Do You Think You’re Strong?

    Medium. I’m trying to get stronger. I perceive strength as


    14. What Was The Most Important Thing You’ve Done So Far?

    Ownership and maintenance of my car for the last 8 years.

    Lame, I know. Oh.. and the college degree.

    15. What Was The Most Stupid Thing You’ve Done So Far?

    Not taking a high-interest mortgage loan from BT last year

    16. Do You Love Yourself?

    Not really.

    17. What Do You Fear The Most?

    Not being able to buy a home, not having a home (the last

    one means not having a warm home)

    18. What Is Your Favorite Word?

    I guess ‘pula’, I use it quite often.

    19. When Was The Last Time You Cried?

    I think last week while trying to get to sleep.

    20. What Is The Best Thing That Could Happen To You Right


    “Prima casa” (for non-romanians : a special political

    bribery program for very low interest mortgage loans)

    21. What Is The Worst Thing That Could Happen To You Right


    “Nici o casa” (not getting into the “Prima casa” program)

    22. Picture Yourself In 5 Years From Now

    Grey hair… better muscles and… with a home!!! 🙂

    23. Do You Regret Anything?

    See q.15

    24. What’s The First Thing You Do In The Morning?

    Cancel the alarm on my cell, swearing that I hate my life

    and sometimes go to pee.

    25. What Are You Thinking Just Before Going To Bed?

    “When are all these gonna end?!”

    26. What Was The Highest Point You’ve Ever Been To?

    With M. last year and with I. in 2000

    27. If There’s One Thing In Your Life You Want To Change

    Right Now, What Is It?

    Implant some balls in me and dump my official girlfriend

    for good! (I’ve done it a few times and so she had but we

    always get back together unfortunately)

    28. What Are You Proud Of?

    My piece of software published in the local newspaper

    (“Romania Libera”) in my collegehood and being the

    technical reviewer for a best-selling programming book for

    an abroad publisher

    29. Sum Up Your Life In One Sentence

    Finance better and better, happiness lesser and lesser.

    30. Name The Thing That Annoys You The Most


    31. What Is Your No 1 Question To God?

    How will it be where I’ll go?

    32. Do You Have Secrets?

    Many. Some can’t even be revealed under the sweetness of

    the anonimity ( see

    http://unaltom.wordpress.com/2009/11/03/dulcele-anonimat/ )

    33. What Makes You Laugh?

    Looking at me having no wife, no family, no happiness,

    compared to almost all my college colleagues.

    34. Are You Happy?

    No. [ obviously ]
    .-= Un alt om´s last blog ..De ce se duce un barbat la prostituate =-.

  29. Dargos,
    Youre pure genius with this article!! Genius genius I say…!!!
    I loved it so much….I am going to take this questionnaire and answer it…as honestly as i can..and seriously at some point in time post it on my blog..yes with a link to you….WHY??? CAUSE YOURE SPECIAL & GENIUS 🙂
    Thank you so much for this article….really superb!!
    .-= Zeenat {Positive Provocations}´s last blog ..Multiple Personality By Choice! =-.

  30. Hey Dragos.

    I am going to use these questions to perform an interview on myself and then answer the questions to myself. I think I will learn some good things in the process.

    We benefit from self-questioning like this. It can be a good wake-up call.
    .-= Armen Shirvanian´s last blog ..Your Presence Means You Have A Fighting Opportunity =-.

  31. I know #22 is not a question, but at the same time, I think it is arguably the best “question” on the list. The answer to that can really help you evaluate your life right now and where you are heading. I really enjoyed this.
    .-= Casey´s last blog ..The Gift of Life =-.

  32. I just got done with the interview and I already feel much more clear-minded about my future. Very inspiring questions Dragos! Thanks for letting me participate.
    .-= Steven Handel´s last blog ..33 Questions from Dragos Roua =-.

  33. Pingback: 33 Questions from Dragos Roua | The Emotion Machine
  34. Thanks for flipping the switch. As an entrepreneur and opportunist I’m looking outward often, or how I can do something different to effect outward…so many of these questions point inward and ask for reflection…geez. I don’t do that enough. Thanks dude.
    .-= Robert´s last blog ..Keeping up with the Lifestyle Joneses =-.

  35. I definitely thought pretty hard on answering some of these questions. I think that if you have a solid answer for each of these questions you can focus on what is important and you can refine goals in life.
    Thanks for the thought provoking list.

  36. Dragos, what an original and inspirational article!

    I must say, your warmth and caring really comes through:-)

    So that you know, I have mentally answered these questions amd may answer them mor solidly in a future post.

    These questions could also be a great platform for my “about Arvind” page.

    As for summing up my life in one sentence, here goes – “Arvind lived a life of contribution, connection and celebration!”

    That took just 5 seconds:-)
    .-= Arvind Devalia´s last blog ..Be Special to Find the Special One =-.

  37. i have to say that a lot of these questions should be asked but as it gives a fantastic insight to a person. i am also very sure that two thirds of these questions will have people stumped. the question is whether the interviewer has the guts to put these questions forward. Great list.
    .-= Paramjit´s last blog ..7 Tips to Reduce Emotional Eating =-.

  38. Great article Dragos. Well written list that makes sense and actually deliver something I can think of.
    .-= Oscar – freestyle mind´s last blog ..The Often Forgotten Part Of Learning: Doing =-.


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